Friday, March 8, 2024

Whispers in the Asylum


The old mental hospital had always been a place of mystery and fear in the small town of Gnaw Bone. The locals whispered about the patients who had disappeared without a trace, and the strange sounds that echoed through the halls at night. But no one was more afraid of the hospital than Ana, a young nurse who had recently been assigned to work there.

From the moment she stepped through the hospital doors, Ana felt a sense of unease. The building was dark and musty, and the patients seemed to stare at her with hollow eyes as she passed by. But it was the presence of one patient in particular that sent shivers down her spine, a man named Jacob, who had been admitted after a series of brutal murders in the town.

Jacob was a tall, gaunt man with piercing blue eyes and a chilling smile. He never spoke to anyone, and spent his days sitting in the corner of his room, staring at the wall. Ana tried to avoid him as much as possible, but she couldn't shake the feeling that he was watching her every move.

As the weeks went by, strange things began to happen in the hospital. Patients would scream in the middle of the night, claiming that they had seen Jacob standing at the foot of their beds. Others reported hearing his voice whispering in their ears, telling them to do horrible things. Ana tried to dismiss their stories as the rambling of disturbed minds, but deep down, she knew that something was terribly wrong.

One night, as Ana was making her rounds, she heard a blood-curdling scream coming from Jacob's room. She rushed inside to find him standing over the body of another patient, a look of pure madness in his eyes. Before she could react, Jacob lunged at her, his hands closing around her throat. She struggled to break free, but his grip was like iron.

Just as Ana felt herself slipping away, she heard a voice behind her. “Let her go, Jacob,” it said. Sarah's eyes widened in shock as she saw the figure of Dr. Richards, the hospital head psychiatrist, standing in the doorway. But instead of helping her, he simply watched him with a cold gaze.

To Ana's horror, Jacob released her and turned to face Dr. Richards with a look of reverence. “I did it for you ,Doctor,” he said, his voice filled with adoration. “I did it to prove my loyalty to you.”

As Ana struggled to catch her breath, she realized the truth, Dr Richards was the real psychopath, manipulating Jacob and the other patients to carry out his twisted desires. And now, she was trapped in the hospital with no one to help her.

But just as she thought all hope was lost, Ana remembered the emergency alarm on her keychain. With a quick flick of her wrist, she activated it, setting off a blaring alarm that echoed through the hospital. Within moments, the doors burst open and a team of security guards rushed in, overpowering Jacob and restraining Dr. Richards.

As Ana was led to safety, she couldn't help to feel a sense of relief. The nightmare was finally over, and she had survived. But as she looked back at the hospital one last time, she knew that the true horror of Gnaw Bone mental hospital would never be forgotten. However, as she was being escorted out, she noticed a sinister smile on Dr. Richard's face, and a glint of madness in his eyes. She realized that the nightmare was far from over, and that Dr. Richards had another perfect plan in his twisted game.

By Valerie Abuchaibe G., Step 9