Friday, March 8, 2024

When the Death Came


Once upon a time, in a beautiful town called Smallville, there was a small family that had Carlos, the older brother, Caroline who is the young daughter, Milo who is the father, and Francesca who is the mother. 

Everything started in their house Locatel in Smallville when they saw that there were suspicious events happening in their home, such as when the glass rolled by itself.

Caroline was very scared, so one day she decided to go to the attic and she saw a book, it didn't look normal, since that book had teeth in the cover. Then, she decided to open it and its pages started to move by themselves. 

When the pages stopped moving, Caroline decided to read, suddenly, from one moment to another, she started to cry, so her family went running to the attic to check if she was ok. When they arrived, Carlos was the first one to ask “What happened?” She answered by saying "3 of us are going to die this weekend", their parents were in shock and they asked “why did you say that?” She said “all of you have to read this” on page 666 of the book it said that 3 members of Pattinson's family were going to die and only one was going to survive. 

When they saw that, they immediately called a priest and he immediately arrived in the house and the first thing that he said was “ show me the book”, they took him to the attic and he sprayed holy water. Right after, immediately from the book came words but not normal words because those Words weren't in English “those words were in Latin”, said the priest,  yet the voice was scary, it sounded like the devil.

 So, they started running to the door, but it closed by itself, and the floor was moving. Then, the priest started to pray, although it looked like the house didn’t like the priest had started to pray, so from the wall a black shadow came out, and then it took the form of an animal, but it wasn’t just an animal, it had fingers, its face looked like a cow and had the body of a human. 

The animal took Francesca with its big hands, Milo and the priest. The animal said: "all of you are going to be my dinner". The parents of Caroline and Carlos said “ Run! We will be ok”, but when the devil animal heard that, he ate them without thinking twice. They screamed and said “ Our Parents! Stupid animal!, you are in serious troubles”, so they ran to Caroline’s room, where she has a bible, because when Carolina was younger her grandmother taught her a powerful prayer, in case she needed it.

 When they took the bible, she opened it in psalm 41, she read it and the devil started to look weak, so they tried again to open the door, but they couldn't. The devil ran toward Carlos and Caroline, so Carlos took a knife and a figure of Christ and Carlos said “ please, God! help us!, give me the strength I need to beat him”, from one moment to another, Carlos got much stronger. 

When the devil was close to Carlos, he hit the devil, so it got very mad. Caroline was crying because she thought they would die, Carlos tried to cut a leg to the devil animal and when he did so, he realized that the blood of the animal was black, so he said “what mine of magic is this?”, but in 10 seconds he had his leg again. 

The devil tried to catch Caroline, but an angel appeared from the sky, to protect them from the devil and when he saw that the angel had arrived, he attacked him, but the angel with a golden rope caught him. When they thought everything was done, he untied himself from the rope, and he jumped to Carlos to snatch his soul.

When that happened, Carlos died, and the devil disappeared, so Caroline started praying to God, begging Him to give her back her brother. Then, she saw a beautiful white dove, so she said “ That's my brother”, but he wasn’t, instead of her brother, it was God, because he came to tell her that her brother was in heaven and she was a hero because she risked her life to save him.

The end.

By Clara Navarro, Step 9