Monday, March 4, 2024

One Ordinary Day with Peanuts. Our Sequel


Mrs Johnson started her day at 7 am and decided to go left of her avenue since she hadn’t completely memorized that street yet. Knowing she lived in a busy street. As soon as she turned, she saw an old lady sobbing because her cat was on top of a tree and didn’t know what to do next. 

Seeing this, Mrs Johnson took the bag of peanuts from her pockets that her husband had left in the foyer table before leaving for his chaotic day. The cat immediately climbed down to take some peanuts from Mrs Johnson while the old lady thanked her almost going on her knees. She asked the old lady whether she’d like to see how fun it is to be kind to people and then the woman started on a journey of kindness the whole day. 

The first person they encountered was a man running so fast he fell 3 times already and then stumbled upon Mrs Johnson. She offered him peanuts firstly, but he rudely declined, almost throwing up, expressing he had to get to the airport quickly. She offered him the peanuts anyway and gave him enough money for a new airplane ticket. She also said that he could take the airplane for the next day and take some time off, but it was up to him. The old lady was surprised at this encounter and said she would try to change a person’s life as well. The old lady then found a thief in the act of stealing a woman's purse. With a surprise on her face she decided she would change his life. She stopped him, took the purse and then gave it again to the woman. 

Subsequently the old lady looked for a police officer so he could take charge of the whole situation more politely. Mrs Johnson at the end of the day realized that she had helped many people with her good attitude, moreover make someone’s day. When she arrived home Mr Johnson was there waiting for her while drinking some hot tea and reading the newspaper in which was told that a thief had stolen someone’s bag, eventually a good woman appeared and called a police officer and returned the woman’s bag. Mrs Johnson greet her husband and asked how was his day, and he responded that was okay, however not that amusing as hers, moreover he said that by his perspective it was better to be the good guy than being the bad guy, since while being the good guy you can get a kind of satisfaction and relieve for the simple reason of helping someone.

 Mr Johnson said that his day was somehow boring even though he did the right things, but he didn’t get the satisfaction he used to get when he was playing the role of the good guy. Later on, some people knocked on the door, they were the people they had helped, furthermore they were so happy to see them. All of them were holding a big basket with a lot of food and some gifts, adding a big and expensive bottle of wine, so Mr Johnson and Mrs Johnson let them in. 

The old lady that Mrs Johnson had helped told them that they were so thankful, that they have motivated them to become better people, so they started spreading these ideas. How they were all sitting on the table eating the dinner they had brought, and the most important thing in the center, a small but nice basket of peanuts commemorating them for connecting them.

By: Silvana Calvo and Victoria Merchán
Step 9