Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Night I Got Trapped.


Chapter 1:  The findout.

Maria was nervous, sweating, shivering a lot. I knew she wanted to tell me something;even though, she couldn't. It was as if someone had prohibited her from mentioning the correct words. Her face was what scared me the most, it was as if she was seeing a monster instead of me, her friend, but finally, she talked. - “Sophie, I need to talk to you about something very important,”- she said. Intrigued by her behavior and chosen words, I told her to continue. - “haven't you noticed that something is off here? I can´t stop thin-”- she couldn't finish her sentence because a horrible shade appeared and started eating her from head to toe, beginning with her face and finishing up with her neck. It left her body on the floor, spilling dark red blood, missing her head. The way I screamed nearly left me without voice, I was losing my best friend who was like a sister to me, after I stopped crying and screaming my soul out of me, I remembered her last words, and noticed immediately something was completely out of place, despite of the horrifying scene I was decided to find out what it was. 

I knew I needed allies to find out the truth about what was happening, so I went to my moms  to see if she wasn't being eaten by a terrifying shade, but when I entered her apartment, my heart broke up into pieces. My mom's body was torn into pieces and scattered across the room, arms on the balcony, legs over the kitchen, her chest in her own bed. As in Maria’s murder, her head was also missing. Although, Maria’s left body wasn’t as damaged as my mom’s, and that was the day I discovered that apart from something being really wrong, there was more than one shade behind this situation, the characteristics at the back of each murder describe different personalities or preferences to torture their victims, so they were more than one or were they working for a mastermind? A lot of questions, a lot of deaths, but not even a single answer or responsibility for all of this. 

Chapter 2: Shades, Aliens or Monsters? 

You need to know what you are fighting before fighting it right? Now that my allies' plan didn’t work out, I needed all the information I could have to fight these shades, so I went to the major source of information in the city, the museum. It was completely dark outside, when I went into the museum it was completely dark, I had to turn on the lights, but they weren’t working well, then I continued with my phone’s flashlight, once in the room I wanted to be I started looking for this shade’s information, maybe they had been in  earth before, maybe they were aliens. After some minutes looking in the museum's archives I found the most interesting information about them. They had psychological effects on people, they usually played with people's minds. I was completely trapped in the reading of all this. Some minutes later I noticed the rapid breathing of another entity, the sound of movements behind me, something like a roar, and someone screamed - “FINALLY WE TRAPPED YOU”-. Minutes later I was in a moving car, only God knows where it was heading. 

Chapter 3: Mental  Kidnapped? 

Being trapped, left, hurt, kidnapped, all the horrible verbs and actions that come to your mind were the main actions of my last 3 months, being trapped by the shades of horrible monsters, surrounded by people’s heads without their bodies. 

After we arrived at the location where I was trapped, they trapped me in a dark room, without light. I tried exploring the room, putting my hands ahead of my body, but soon I discovered that the room was barely for my size. I could only hear the terrifying sound of those shades, and the agonizing cries from the people’s heads that were surrounding me. I could hear Maria’s and my mom´s voice, but I didn´t know if their heads were there. At that moment I thought I was going crazy, hearing voices, screaming a lot till I couldn't anymore. Something that caught my attention was that I was neither hungry nor thirsty or tired, it was as if I didn’t need any sleep or food. After some hours, I stopped thinking about what I couldn’t solve at the moment, also I started trying to find ways to get me out of there. I managed to pile up the heads, and climb the pile as if they were stairs, when I was getting to the top, I started feeling other presences in the room, mysterious wind, voices whispering, and then someone screamed - “SOPHIE, SOPHIE, PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE, I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE”-  I easily realized whose voice was that, it was Maria’s. I tried to look in the darkness, but the only thing I managed to see was a shade, so I continued climbing, with all my forces. When I got to something that seemed like a hole or maybe a constructed window I just made it through it, not taking into account where it was heading; nevertheless, when I got out, I was delighted  to see what was in front of me. 

Chapter 4: Answering Questions.

When I got out, the world I saw was divided into two, but neither the first one, nor the second one I could recognize. The first half a world reigned by the shades; even though, the other one didn't seem normal, it was like some of my memories leading to different paths. The limits within that world were blocked by some shades, as if they didn’t want me to go in there.  After thinking for some minutes what my best option was, I decided to enter the memories world, I managed to pass the shades, and started walking through that path, till my supposed last memory, which was in my mom’s apartment, when she died. I entered there and suddenly I woke up in my mom’s bedroom, till I heard “We’re coming back for you, ahhh” and all of a sudden the shades disappeared, leaving my mom’s corpse and me in the apartment. 

Clearly I wanted answers, so I went to the museum again, and found out that when I was in my mom’s apartment, that shade must have trapped me in some sort of psychological trance, so I couldn’t tell anyone of their existence, but thankfully I managed to escape. 

The End.  

Author: Juliana Castro Martinez, Step 9

“To my beloved partners, my family, and my E.L.A teacher; Ms Odilia Perez.

I hope they enjoy reading this story, as much as I enjoyed writing it.”

-Juliana Castro Martinez.