Wednesday, September 27, 2023

My Horror Story In 11 Chapters


Chapter 1: Me, Sophie Rhenals.

It all started from my adolescence. I was never a person of many friends, I liked to think about what people could be thinking at the moment. I liked to detail everything, the faces they made, the way they spoke and even how they interpreted any comment. Some people called me weird but for me it was fascinating to just be quiet and observe. I must accept that when I was a child I was a little paranoid; all this led me to understand my classmates more, to become closer and to form strong bonds between us, finally after years these "peers" became friends and today I consider them family. We liked to go out to the disco, basically make plans as average teenagers but undoubtedly our favorite plan was to stay at my house until very late watching movies or documentaries about murders in order to analyze the cases among all of us.

All my life I have wondered if all those things I watched on TV were real. All those mystery series or strange movies that I was so passionate about. Despite having studied psychology, understanding the human mind is one of the most difficult things in the world. To learn about it is to understand the thinking of humans, but there are people who are simply indescribable.

Chapter 2: The golden brother

It was 6:00 p.m., a normal day in San Francisco. I left my classes of psychopathy in the human being at approximately 5:55, as usual I went to my small business where I helped several patients with their mental problems, even though I hadn’t finished yet my master in clinical psychology, a few years ago I decided to open a small "consulting room" in an empty room of my house. Over the course of time

 I learned many things until I got to know different ways of looking at life.

That same day I had to attend to a young man. We met once in a meeting with friends in common, I remember perfectly that he was tall and blonde. My friend Fred explained to me that the man I had met at that meeting was his brother, Adam Phillips. Fred told me that ultimately Adam was looking for someone to talk to, and without even knowing him, I offered myself to help him. I really thought it was strange that my friend never mentioned anything about his brother, but I let it go. 

Without questioning so much, I decided to stay and read a book while waiting for the long awaited golden brother. It was exactly 6:12 pm. and I was already a little anxious since I have always had a severe problem with punctuality nevertheless, I decided to continue with my book. About 40 minutes passed, and the man still hadn't arrived. I was getting a bit anxious about the situation, however I held myself and I immediately went to my room thinking that no one else would come. As I assumed nobody went, but something arrived.

Chapter 3: The beginning of terror

“Sophiee!” “Sophie something came, I think this letter is for you”- my mom said

 It was very early in the morning and my mom was waking me up to receive packages. I always said that when you woke up with someone’s letter in the mailbox it meant it would be a great day.

At that moment I got out of bed, pulled up the curtains and went to the bathroom to throw some water on my face. I returned to my room to open the letter peacefully. Later I noticed the letter didn’t say who it was, then I thought it was just human error but  when I opened it my nightmare began. 

This described with details a series of murders that had already occurred and for some reason predicted the date of the next. At first, I thought it was a bad joke, but curiosity killed me. I began to investigate if the murders the letter spoke about were true indeed all were real. This made me quite sentimental because some of the deaths were people I knew in my past. At the end of reading the letter I entered into a little mental collapse, yet I had to continue with my daily work. In the first place I decided not to tell my family or friends so I wouldn’t worry them about anything. Unfortunately, the terror ate me and the date of the next event each time was nearer…

Chapter 4: Detective Harry

As the procrastinated date approached, a sense of tragedy haunted me. I promised myself that I wouldn't tell anyone nonetheless that exact day was different. As soon as I got out of bed I felt the real fear, it was about 2 days before the next death, unfortunately I knew absolutely nothing; I just knew what day it would happen, I didn't know who, where or when. Because of my distress I decided to go to the police station despite that, I felt it was a bit dangerous so I decided to look for a detective on my own. I walked back home and came across a poster, it said; "Trying to investigate the life of a mysterious person? That's what Detective Harry West is for, just call 123456789" when I saw it I felt like I was in one of those movies I watched all the time, but this time it was happening to me immediately I grabbed it and took it home. When I got home, I sat down at my desk, took a deep breath and proceeded to call the number on the poster. 

“Hi, I'm calling since I saw a poster on the street, Detective Harry right?” -I said.

“Yeah, sure. I´m detective Harry West. Are you interested in investigating someone in particular ?”

“Well… Not specially someone, I don't know how to explain it to you in this specific

 situation” - I exclaimed with doubt

And at that exact moment "beep, beep, beep" the call was over. Had it been detective Harry who had hung up the call, or someone else?

I thought for a few minutes that the poster was just a joke until a few minutes later a message came to me…

Chapter 5: The beginning of misfortunes

Minutes later while I was eating I got a text from a strange number, it said; "Tomorrow, freddie's, 4pm, unaccompanied."  was quite weird and unexpected therefore I wasn’t planning to go to the place mentioned, but that night another letter arrived. It was late at night, I was almost asleep although something was still bothering me. I got out of bed, went to the kitchen and found another letter on the table. I assumed it was for me and opened it immediately. The letter was announcing how that same night, he would kill another person but this time I knew him. He was one of the people I had seen in my small practice a few years ago;Bryan Davis. I went to my room and with a lot of anguish I tried to remember things that the person had told me years before, but it didn't help, I fell asleep until the next day.

Chapter 6: Detective Harry, where are you?

The other day I woke up quite late, it was about 10 o'clock in the morning and I was just getting up. I really didn't want to do anything that day but I had a class from 12 to 2 pm, even though I didn't want to go to class, I went and incredibly it took my mind off everything I was thinking at the time, it was only a momentary thing.I got out of class at 2 pm and went to have lunch with a friend until it was 3:30, I was leaving to take the bus, nevertheless I decided to take strength and go to the place that the detective had told me. I actually arrived just in time, it was 3:59 and I was already in the restaurant, but something wasn't right. Where was Detective Harry?

I decided to wait a little longer, each time the fear and the intrigue of knowing who would pass through the door at that moment didn't leave me in peace. 15 minutes went by and Harry didn't arrive, I got so desperate that I decided to leave.

I walked to a small park to get some fresh air, and I started to question everything. Why did the detective hang up the call so suddenly? Why was he acting so strange? why didn't he go to the appointment we had? and I started to think, is the detective hiding something? At that time the letters were no longer the only problem, instead of moving forward to solve the problem, it was getting worse and worse. My house was quite close, so I decided to walk around while I analyzed the situation. I walked and walked and without realizing it I was already in my house, I was about to open the door when...

Chapter 7: Unexpected visit

"Hi, Sophie... Rhenals right?" -said a male voice behind me.

As I turn around I see that blond man I had seen before, but where?

"Ehhh hello, you are?" - I said

"hahaha, you don't even remember me anymore, nice to meet you Adam Phillips" -He said stretching out his hand towards me.

"Ohh right! The famous golden brother, Adam Phillips."-I said.

At that moment I don't know what happened to me. How could I forget that blond guy I saw at that meeting, the brother of my best friend! After that he came into my house and we went to my office.

-“Adam, why didn't you come that day?”

- “If you knew all the things that have been happening to me.” I said.

- “Mmm, what's been going on with you? Tell me more.” - Adam said nervously.

It is incredible how his attitude changed from one moment to the next. When I met him at the door he was very friendly and funny, on the other hand when he came into my office and I told him that phrase he made a face as if he had seen the devil himself. He got nervous and started to answer more curtly.

When I saw his strange attitude I decided not to tell him much about what was happening to me, I told him that just the day he didn't show up for the appointment a letter with very specific messages came to me. As soon as I mentioned the letter she became stressed and started sweating. From a psychologist's perspective, me. Those behaviors are not normal for someone who is telling 100% the truth.

Adam told me that this was something very strange and that it was just a joke, however I was sure that the letter was serious. I talked for about 6 more minutes with him, by that time the conversation was already very uncomfortable and I don't like that kind of conversation. If neither of you want to be talking, why do you do it? Anyway, human hypocrisy. After the short conversation, Adam left my house, I walked him to the door and as I closed it I thought too many things.

Chapter 8: Connecting the dots

It was convenient that the day the first letter arrived I had an appointment with Adam and he didn't show up. I analyzed for a while and thought, why not to send a letter to the one who sent them to me?

But where would I send him? If I didn't know who he was, I immediately ran to get all the letters.  When I detailed them better I noticed a stamp they had, I looked up the logo on the internet and I looked for it on the internet, it turned out to be a courier company. I googled the company's phone number and decided to call.

“Hello... Hi, courier company?” -I said.

Nobody answered me, I wonder why nobody ever answers me, I'm a little tired of it already.

"It's already been a very long and unexpected day, tomorrow I'll go to the company 

   and I'll solve it" - I said sleepily.

 And as I said, I went to sleep immediately.

I got up the next day and went immediately in search of the company. I wandered around for about three hours and luckily found it. It was a pretty standard place, inside there was a lady who was a bit rude but she attended me anyway.I showed her the letters, not literally what it said but I wanted to know if there was any way I could find out where the letter came from, the lady replied that she would see what she could do for me. After a few minutes she replied that she couldn't give me personal information about their clients then I begged her to tell me the address where the letters came from.

I decided to use the persuasion techniques that I have learned thanks to my career. After about 10 minutes trying to convince her, she let me send a letter to the address where it came from, in contrast  she never told me the address, she just told me to give her what I wanted to send. After thinking about what to send I decided to send a message saying that I already suspected who he was and that we should meet before his next murder. 

Chapter 9: GUILTY.

In the letter I sent I mentioned that I already suspected who it was. But was this real? I don't really know, I think I just said that to hide my fear, but it was time to think, who could be behind all this? 

I thought for a long time and ....... Sure! I got it. ADAM PHILLIPS! The day he had the appointment with me he didn't go and that same day the first letter arrived, it's him, it's clear. But what about Detective Harry who never showed up? I know absolutely nothing about him and from the first moment he acted strangely. At that moment I felt bad, even though I didn't know Adam well, I liked him, maybe he was just a weird guy and that's all. Hours passed until finally the answer to my letter arrived…

Chapter 10: B, Who are you?

“Dear Sophie Renahls.

So you already suspect who I am, how can you be so sure of that? What you haven't realized is that I am closer than you think and soon your name will be written on one of these letters. How nice it would be to see in the newspapers "Frustrated psychologist dies in the hands of a mysterious man" incredible, isn't it?  I'll make it easy for you, I can be alive and dead at the same time, the answer is in the letters.       -B”

When I finished reading that I was terrified and once again went to get the letters, I detailed EVERYTHING. I found it curious that at the end of the letter there was a B, neither of my two suspects started with the letter B, or was it just a trap?

When I reread all the letters I realized that only once he mentioned the victim, the killer always told how he killed his victims but only once he said the name of a victim. Bryan Davis, he mentioned it when the third or second letter came and really that was the one I paid the least attention to. The weird thing was that in the news, newspapers and in the letters, Bryan's death was mentioned. I even watched his funeral on youtube. I immediately started to investigate Bryan's relatives, I found his brother named Brandon Davis. I assumed that he was seeking revenge, but why with me?

I didn't really understand what the relationship was between Bryan's brother and me. Bryan used to be my patient but I don't understand what I did wrong. The only clear thing in this situation was that Bryan was dead and that someone close to him in the past had something against me.

Chapter 11: The final round

I woke up hearing someone knocking on my door, thinking it was my mom. I ignored it and continued sleeping, on the contrary the knocking on my door did not stop. I decided to get out of bed and walk towards the door. As soon as I opened the door, I saw a man covering his face. puff! I saw everything black. Later, I opened my eyes and I didn't know where I was, it was a very small and dark room. When I saw the situation I was in I tried to run but my hands were tied to a metal table. I was trying to remember how I had gotten there, it was really impossible to know. For hours I stayed analyzing the room, it was a cold and empty room, I realized that this was how I felt for some time now, the room and I were in the same circumstances, more and more alone. Suddenly I heard footsteps, the first thing I thought was to throw myself on the floor as if I were still passed out. Approximately after 5 minutes a man whose face was not visible entered the room, at that moment my anguish increased, I tried not to breathe. Since I couldn't see the man's face I had to go by his voice. He was ordering another man to untie me, at first I didn't recognize his voice but then it became familiar but I didn't know where.

"Gary, take the rope off! I want her to look me in the eyes before she dies!" -ordered the man with his face covered.

The man untied me and I continued in my role, I was still "unconscious" suddenly the man whose voice sounded familiar to me started to kick me.  

"Get up, get up now!" - he said.

At that moment I stood up and looked him in the eyes, which was the only thing I could see, I said bravely "who are you? If you are going to kill me, at least show your face. Coward!"

I think these words upset the man, who immediately removed his mask.

"Here you are Sophie Rhenals, I hope you remember me perfectly."-He said.

“Who are you? Why do you know who I am?” -I questioned.

“hahaha, it's incredible how quickly you forget about me, I'm detective Harry or if you want to know me, I´m B.”

“Brandon Davis” I said.

“ Brandon Davis? you're wrong, but if you want I could call him right now” - B said

At that moment another man entered, whose face could not be seen, but soon after he took it off.

When I got a good look at their faces I realized that I was fooling myself all the time, it was Adam Phillips, it always was him but my mind wouldn't let me see it. The other one, who was he? WHO IS B? 

"Since you don't know who I am, maybe I'll have to refresh your memory." -B said.

The man proceeded to show me some reports, it was a forensic report, clearly said Bryan Davis. The images showed Bryan dead with multiple head wounds. 


"I know you killed Bryan. What do you want with all this?" - I said.

“Take a good look dear sophie” - he said

Looking at it in detail I realized everything.

“Something to say dear?”-B said.


“I am what you want me to be honey…”

By Paulina Caballero, Step 9