Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Raising Children With A Flexible Mindset

 The Importance of A Good Raising For Children

Nowadays, we are constantly watching the subproduct of childhood traumas, psychological and physical abuses, and lack of paternity in the new generations, who now are on a tendency of introversion and isolation from society.

These consequences are the result of a series of factors that determine the children's behavior and his relationship with each other. One of the most crucial but least noticed factors for these types of behaviors is the raising, so we will show you below the consequences of a bad raising and what one should expect to achieve in order to avoid these aptitudes.

Now, one of the most current topics in these years is the matter of how to discipline a kid. Throughout history we have always used physical punishments to indicate that what he is doing is wrong. Experts in the topic, such as Lauren M. O' Donell had proved in 2018 that this method instead of showing the kid what is wrong, it produces fear against the punishment and an antagonization for their parents; therefore, a resulting effect is the appearance of conduct led by “not letting my father know I do this”, rather than I “shouldn't do this”.

About this, in the same article pointed out, the way we should give a kid an appropriate sanction:

First indicate why the action he made is wrong, and second give him time to reflect upon his actions on his own and not by making fear prevail.

Knowing how to punish a kid, now is the turn of talking about self esteem, one of the emotional pillars of men. This is a matter of great responsibility for parents, because it is what will cause the kid to prove new things, and if he can or cannot become independent.

So about how to deal with this titanic issue we got to understand that the self esteem is formed during the first months after been born, this with moments of love and caring as the doctor D'arcy Lyness pointed out in 2018. So from this point on, it is vital to encourage the child to enjoy the mistakes and make a good image of the world around him, and even about himself in the future. In case of not accomplishing these tasks, the kid will grow with fear for the mistakes and with a preference of not socializing with other kids.

My last point to talk about is the limits.You need to apply the concepts that we have discussed. The thing is that as one should know, we as parents are the ones who influence the most of the conducts of children and they have a tendency to imitate us (Many errors are born from incorrect role models). So, for not giving them a bad example we need to be very prudent and coherent when we are giving indications to the kids while punishing them. The point here is that we respect the established rules, so the kid won't feel a duality between what is wrong and what my father does.

In conclusion, many methods of raising children should be reevaluated due the extensive evidence of sequels that are arising out of them. The new way of raising children is based on the instilled love for doing things in a proper way, of being tough but also fair (To be in balance and flexible), to not show them with the heart rather than the hand leads into children who do not rely on themselves. If we take this into account, we may have a healthier future for our children, in psychological terms.





By Juan Manuel Henríquez, Step 9