Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A Way to Approach To Mental Health: A Feature Article

 This is how they work at the Pierre Janet Hospital Center facilities!

As students reach their senior year at school, they are taken to the university every Thursday, so that they begin to become familiar with their environment and help them to choose a career. That is the situation that the students of the Garibaldi Secondary School are experiencing. Today, the 11th grade class will visit a psychiatric institution accompanied by Professor John Wicker in order to introduce them to the facilities, working conditions and patients. At the Pierre Janet Hospital Center, all kinds of mental illnesses are treated in the most practical, safe, efficient and comfortable way so that patients can be reincorporated into society as soon as possible. So much so that 2 patients voluntarily agreed to have a small talk with the youth stakeholder group.

  • Well guys, pay attention and take notes since we are going to meet our first volunteer, remember that you will only be able to ask a few questions since we do not want them to feel agitated, so behave yourselves.

  • Excuse me, teacher John, could you tell us who is the patient we are going to meet and about the disease from which he suffers?

  • Of course, my mistake, his name is Sirius, he is 35 years old, he suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event, so limit yourself to asking about how you are treated and not about how you got here, we don't want you to suffer some type of attack or similar.

  • Good morning Sirius, I hope you're ready now because these guys are dying to know what your life is like here.

  • You finally arrived John, good morning everyone, I was really nervous about your visit. This is a test for me, but seeing your faces calms me down, so feel free to ask anything.

  • So I will ask the first question, do you feel very lonely here?

  • Good question young man, fortunately not, I am usually allowed to receive visits from my family and loved ones, and many of the other patients are very good listeners and understanders.

  • I will do the following, how do the attendees treat you?

  • They are very kind and understanding, they do not deny you even the smallest help and they always try to make us feel as comfortable as possible.

  • Well guys Mr. Sirius already answered enough questions, let's continue.

  • Thank you very much for being so well behaved guys, you can visit me whenever you can, I will be open to more questions.

  • So now guys, the next one is named Anne, she is 24 years old and suffers from Addiction & Substance Abuse is a disease that affects a person's brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medicine. Substances such as alcohol, marijuana and nicotine are also considered drugs. When you're addicted, you may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes. He also suffers from Schizophrenia which is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling. And finally, she also suffers from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, which features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These obsessions and compulsions interfere with daily activities and cause significant distress. Therefore, I expect a behavior at the level of what they had with Mr. Sirius, she is a very delicate patient but at the same time one of those who has advanced the most.

The professor was really nervous about this interaction, because depending on how she behaved with these boys, Anne could have more freedom and in the near future she could definitely leave this place. He is really proud of her because despite having so many difficulties, she hasn't given up and keeps trying to get better, and it won't be easy for her out there even after finishing the treatment, many people don't care enough to live together in the best way with such a complex person.

  • Good morning Miss Anne, we are ready to start the chat.

  • Okay John, I'm ready so let's get started.

  • Miss, doesn't it overwhelm you or bore you to be so closed?

  • Hmmm, at first yes, I could barely get up and stay in the room, but it was a danger to me and to others, but now they let me go out to the park, read and socialize with more people.

  • Excuse me miss, the last question, what part of this whole process has been the most difficult for you?

  • Hmmm, everything was really difficult, but again at the beginning I felt that everyone was looking at me like I was crazy, but it was nothing more than my imagination, hopefully everyone here understands my situation.

  • Very well Miss, this is very enriching for these young people, so with your permission we let you rest.

  • Thank you very much John, have a nice day.

This is how the visit of the students from Garibaldi Secondary School ended, many of them were satisfied, many others only whet their appetite to learn and understand more about the subject, it is certain that more than one will bet on this career. But the most important thing is that everyone was able to see first hand how a person who has many difficulties and even a disorder, can act in an ordinary way, and if they are given the right environment and treatment they will be able to participate in any activity they please. Without a doubt, this experience was completely worth it, both on the academic and the human sides.

By Juan Camilo Ramírez, Step 9