The strongest consequences of war on children not only affect the physical health of children, but also influence important aspects of life, generating an emotional, social and interpersonal impact, which has an influence on the mental health of child victims of conflict in different parts of the world. As a result of these conflicts, mental health has been increasingly affected by the lack of attention in some places to this aspect, which is crucial for the tranquility and good health of the human being.
Nowadays, anxiety levels in recently arriving refugee children in Ukraine have ranged from 49 percent to 69 percent in previous research, with frequency rising considerably if at least one parent has been tortured or if families have been separated. The assistance a child receives from their carers will have a significant impact on their mental health. However, typical attachments are usually interrupted during times of war, making this challenging. Some children may lose their caregivers, be separated from them as some family members evacuate and others remain to fight, or discover that their caregivers are too depressed, nervous, or obsessed with protecting and sustaining the family to be fully emotionally present. (Dr Amir Khan, 2022).
We can see a clear example with the book “The Boy In The Striped Pajamas”. Here, we notice how this conflict affects the boys more than the adults. Obviously the adults were also affected but, the children felt it more because they didn’t know what was happening. First, Bruno had to move from his house to another and couldn't know why; he had to say goodbye to his friends and start a new life. On the other hand, we have Shmuel, who clearly had the worst part as he was the one being captured. At the end, they both died knowing nothing about the real conflict that they were facing.
Taking all of this into account, the consequences of war on children have a great influence on the emotional development of their lives and are reflected in the attitudes and experiences of children about human relations, which modify their way of seeing life and moral standards.
Bibliographical References
Khan, A. (2022, 31 march). How is the Ukraine war affecting children’s mental health? Al Jazeera.,things%20they%20used%20to%20enjoy.
By Andrea Parra &
Laura Rodríguez,
Step 10 Blue