Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Animal Farm by George Orwell: My Essay

 Animal Farm was born as a fierce anti-utopian satire of the communism of the time. The universal character of its content makes the book an extraordinary analysis of how, when political one-party politics seizes power indefinitely, it degenerates, to unmask a lucid examination of the manipulations that historical truth suffers in moments of political transformation, presenting itself in a furious diatribe against totalitarianism of any kind.

In this story, 2 groups have their thoughts (who would be the pigs, the bosses who do not stop fattening, and in the capitalist world the pigs that move the threads of the speculative economy). And those who have second-hand thoughts, which in Orwell's work are the sheep that approve  "all the slogans." In "dollarized societies" these ruminants repeat everything that television and its spokespersons say.

Although literary critics have been saying for decades that animal farm is a satire of Stalinist communism, this animalist fable is also a fierce denunciation of capitalism which our author accuses, allegorically and directly, of enslaving, deceiving, and exploiting "the lower classes" (which in the work would be horses, chickens, ducks, cows, and the donkey).

We start with the animals working to keep their owners financially stable and fed, which when you look at it, feels more like slavery from 1600-1800 in America, serfdom in Russia and France before the French Revolution. We see a representation of a monarchy, where the human being who owns the farm is the king and the animals are the slaves. In turn, they overthrow the "king/slave owner" similar to the French and Russian revolution and, in turn, move towards a communist ideology in which  an important aspect was the ideology that no individual animal should be treated as less than others.

When Napoleon takes over they see this as Stalin's regime, thinking it imitates it, but over the years, it feels much more like Crony's capitalism, it puts certain animals above others (similar to the ultra-rich who have control over large amounts of wealth and resources), it begins to create a class system similar to modern capitalism.

 All this happens in the current reality where the bad decisions of the government are also justified, with the "They will not return" those who governed previous regimes, where the people who are in charge preach a socialist life, but they live a capitalist life, where we have hundreds of political prisoners for thinking differently and all the streets of our country are adorned with political campaigns of the government and projects that one day will be carried out, and also a moment is dedicated to the national chain in which stories of progress are told very alien to reality.

Written by Laura Rodríguez, Step 10 Blue