Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Machine That Won The War: Essay

 The Machine That Won The War

Deception is present in this story given the fact that Swift couldn’t believe that a machine can really win a war, just think in this way, just imagine giving the life of all humanity to a machine’s decision.

Everybody except for the 2 guys that were with Swift knew the truth behind the victory of humanity while the rest thought that the machine won on its own, so they got deceptioned.

Taking into account the other question, it is because people get used to believing in everything they see on the internet, for example, in the media, somebody said that a terrorist group attacked a city so people will believe in that even if they have no proof, so if it is false, they got deceptioned.

The same is in the story, by the medias, all the world knew about the existence of Multivac, scientists and workers said it would bring peace and victory to humanity, citizens as they had no other choice to select and taking into account the war that is getting closer to humanity, they decided to believe in the machine.

If Swift didn’t settle Multivac, the reality would be different to what people saw on the media.

The machine would have failed, so what the media said about multivac was wrong and people would have been deceptioned.

By Kevin and Valentina, Step 9 Yellow