What are the situations that should change for us to achieve harmony in Colombia or even in the world? Well, many people have a lot of different opinions about this specific topic. To me, most things about the political system should change, from the priorities to in which they invest the country's money, amongst many other things. Talking about Colombia, it is very different from talking about the whole world, since there are some countries out there that are a lot more open minded than this one.
In respect of Colombia, I think that a crucial situation to change is the corruption and dishonesty that is so normalized and spread amongst all citizens but especially, politicians.
We can’t have some privileges because of how a lot of people just go through things with lies; for example, sick day leaves are nothing here because companies are afraid that we will lie and just miss work for having fun. With the dishonesty and of course poverty, it comes insecurity, which is the first thing that is taught to you when young. Meanwhile, in other countries kids are allowed to walk home alone because of how secure the streets are.
When talking around the world though, some situations can be dishonest, as well as the egotistical tendencies of governments who only care about being big potencies, the strongest and wealthiest. If people were to be honest and seek for common wellness, we could manage to get along without so many conflicts. However, it is known that this is just an utopia that will be almost never possible.
In conclusion, Colombia, a so called developing nation, is still a pretty much under developed country when it comes to ideologies and governmental morality, so that the overall desired world peace most likely can never be achieved.
By Valentina Cataño, Step 10.