Thursday, April 22, 2021

Education and Peace

We want peace but there is no education, there is no regulation, there is no respect, there is no forgiveness, there is almost nothing necessary to achieve it. Is the lack of education the school's fault ? Or the government's failure?

Education is taught first at home, saying good morning, good afternoon and good night, asking for permission, asking for forgiveness, knowing how to control your emotions. VALUES are taught at home. I think that one of the factors that prevents world peace are our own decisions, thinking that world peace is the responsibility of the government or thinking that world peace refers to a world without opposition. Those thoughts are wrong, peace begins with you and then you worry about the world's peace.

 What affects world peace? The lack of education from home, the breach of human rights, the violence of the sovereignty of the countries, the tensions between governments, the foreign intervention in the affairs of a country, the economic conflict, military conflicts, but what I feel that what affects world's peace the most is ambition taken to the maximum: Greed, because of this there is a large gap between rich and poor people, we pay too dearly for services and products, we pay high interest rates, but there are great powers wanting to control the world with one hand.

 If we want peace to be in this world, and not only there, but also peace with ourselves, we must change ourselves, know the values and apply them, so WE NEED EDUCATION to free us.
By Nicolle Algarín, Step 10