Thursday, March 4, 2021

A Weird Disease and Its Queer Cure


I never thought my life would be this way, just me a 15 year old girl trapped in her room with no way out, I should be dating, going on parties, fighting with friends, anything and yet here I am looking out my window, watching cars passing by, hours going on, my life being wasted, what a beautiful way to live, right?. 

Anyways you might be wondering what’s going on with me, am I crazy or just pessimistic?, well actually neither, I have SCID, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, better known as “bubble boy syndrome”, it is included within the family of rare diseases due to its low prevalence, it affects one in every one hundred thousand newborns, pretty special huh?. Well, what can I say, I was meant to be different in some way, if you haven’t noticed I’m being sarcastic then maybe this page is not for you, so get off, probably politics or science is the type of topic for you and not a sick girl who likes to complain alone.

I was just about to start writing another post of me complaining about life, I guess to get everything out of my head, but surprisingly I got an e-mail, pretty weird since I never used it, I had a feeling, so I went and checked it. 

Dear Mrs. Gabriella Styles,

The Institute for Science and Mutations Developments after having read what a miserable life you have and giving a response to all your followers petitions, would like to grant you the place in one of our newest trials, the objective of our investigation is to allow people with your condition experience life in its fullest like everyone else….

I couldn’t breath, I stopped reading, what if there was a way out of the jail I was in?. I went downstairs, thankfully my mom was there, she was a doctor and was occupied 24/7, but she was here and she’ll have to here me out. Her being a doctor made everything more difficult, she’d know what I was getting into. 

Gabriella: Mom, you can’t believe the e-mail and opportunity I just got.

Mom: Baby, please, I’m working I’ll talk to you later.

Gabriella: Stop it, here me out for once in your life, look I have a place in a clinical trial waiting for me, it will permit me to go out, see the ocean enjoy it for the first time, you know how much I love sea animals. 

Mom: I know you think this is a cure, but babe, scientist are very far from getting a cure for your disease and trials are so risky, I won’t risk your life for a whim.

Gabriella: Is this what you think?That this is a whim?

Mom: Well, you have everything.

Gabriella: Now, wait right there, I don’t have the most important thing, happiness, mom if this disease doesn’t kill me, then being alone will, don’t you see how depressed I am, if it were for me I would have killed myself a long time ago. 

Mom: Don’t play with those things and I know you have had it difficult, but haven’t you stopped to think how your dad and I would feel if we loose you?

Gabriella: All things aren’t about you mom, this is my life, this is me one day you won’t be here and I’ll have to live without you all alone without ever knowing what it is to be loved, to breath fresh air, to camp outside, to swim basic things. 

Mom: Fine, I hear you, I’m just you know afraid, I can’t picture my life without you.

Gabriella: I know mom, I love you, but this, you have to do it for me, since it's an opportunity I can’t give up without trying. 

Gabriella started the clinical trial, where they manipulated her DNA, and she hoped someday she would have the chance to visit the ocean, swim with dolphins and whales, go camping with her friends, have a boyfriend; however, results would only be seen in a couple of months. By now, all it was left to do was waiting. 


Written by: Isabella Duarte, Step 11.