Friday, June 12, 2020

Essay emotional Intelligence:

 The Perfect Match

 We're A Perfect Match

In all these 11 years of being a student, I have tried hard to have good grades, to be an excellent student like my class is and to try my best everyday just for a number.

 The thing is according to this number or grade I was intelligent, but I still found myself stuck, stressed, frustrated and couldn't figure out why, so in my short life I learned that being intelligent and acting in intelligence is a completely different thing and that kind of bridge between these two is called emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is when you become aware of your emotions and those of the people around you and you use them to guide your behavior and your actions, so you act intelligent.

In the society we live in, it has become crucial to have or dominate emotional intelligence, to control your emotions and not let your emotions control you.

Emotional intelligence is important for achieving your goals in life, for having a family, raising children, for achieving your dream job, for being a good person etc. This skill can change the way you see the world, can change the way you see people around you and can change the way you see yourself.

But I have also learned that it is extremely hard, and it is hard to dominate your feelings. I suffer from anxiety, an actual disease that eats your mind, makes harder to control your feelings and tries to put you against you and some days you just want to scream and let your thoughts and emotions control you and many like me have or are in this kind of situations and that is okay, you know why? because we are not perfect and we don't always feel good but that is totally fine and that is why emotional intelligence isn't a switch that if you decided to pressed it today, now you have it. 

Emotional intelligence is a path, necessary to get to the end because you'll need to beat obstacles, you'll find people and things trying to push you back but with time, patience, faith and effort, you will eventually get there.

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” Dr. Maya Angelou

By Natalia Rojas, Step 10.