Friday, May 29, 2020

Essay On Motivation

Motivation is something that a lot of people simply do not have. Motivation is what makes you do something, and without it, one will merely decide against doing the thing. This leads to procrastination (something that I have been doing a lot). procrastination is the act of not doing something because of laziness and sloth. not very optimal in cases such as work or school. 

However, if someone is motivated to do something, they will be less likely to procrastinate, improving their efficiency. Motivation can be pretty much anything, any benefit brought by completing the work. Despite that, benefits are not confined to just being dished out at the completion of the project, but can be present during the work as well. For example, if the project is fun, then someone will be more likely to do it. The benefit in that situation is, well, fun! 

Therefore, motivation plays such an enormous role in schools and workplaces, because it is what drives the efficiency of the workers / students. Well, let us elaborate. what could possibly work as motivation in these situations. In a school environment, the most prominent reward is a good grade, given for the completion of an activity. Good grades mean one is more likely to make it to a better college, a better college means you will receive a higher quality of education and thus be able to get a better job, a better job means bigger paychecks, bigger paychecks mean that you will be able to live a more lavish lifestyle, thus making you happy. 

As you can clearly see, the reward is more of a long-term thing, and the lack of an immediate award is prominent. I believe the implementation of much smaller, short term awards would be very optimal to the motivation of the students. For example, if one does all their homework, they get to play a little game to their benefit. Another option could be to implement the fun factor inside of the homework by making it fun, while still accomplishing all the goals that boring homework brings to the table. How can we make fun homework? well, if the homework were phrased like a game, students would be more motivated to work. 

In conclusion, motivation is an essential part of society that is often overlooked in favor of different factors that contribute to the productivity of the worker. With the implementation of more motivating activities, efficiency would be much higher.

By Andrés Díaz, Step 8 Yellow