Thursday, April 9, 2020

Tasks Not To Lose Your Head During Quarantine

Enjoying Life Indoors 

As the covid-19 pandemic spreads all around the world, it is causing widespread fear and stress, of which are natural and normal reactions to the changing and uncertain situation that everyone finds themselves in.

From our point of view the Colombian government has adressed this situation in a really good way, by putting the quarantine for so long time, but because of that same reason is that most of the population finds itself in the middle of a chaos because it would not be possible to enjoy our Holy Week vacation as we are used to; due to that, we bring some advice and activities you may find fun, so that you keep yourelf in a good mental health during this crisis and to not  be bored during the process.

1. Try to keep up with non regular routines. Create a schedule for learning activities and relaxing or fun activities; for example, try learning a new language in platforms such as Doulingo, there have been studies that confirm that a person can learn to speak a language perfectly in two months, if they put their effort on it, don't you want to try? or perfectionate your English?

2. Learn how to cook. It is literally the most amazing thing that you can do now, so teach your children how to make something more complex than a sandwich. Experiment with the flavors, the color and everything that cooking means, who knows? maybe after Holy Week you turn out to be a Master Chef participant.

3. Play in family. Being with your family is the biggets benefit
of this whole crisis, so why shouldn't you take advantage of that? Play chess, parques, charades, scrabble, etc. even, create your new games!

4. Make a costume night (Oh, this one is our favorite).  Host an evening where everyone has to dress up in a costume. Eat your dinner that evening all dressed up. Play games and just have a party. You can even make it a “themed” costume party by choosing a time era or movie characters. Shape it to meet your interests.

5. READ. It is explained by itself, literally.

6. Do Exercise!!! In these times when you can't go to the gym, I honestly recommend you to start a home work-out routine, other ways you would go out of quarantine as a ball

7. Have an Indoor/Outdoor Scavenger Hunt. Everyone loves hunting for hidden things. Type up a list of things that need to be found and give everyone a list. The things can be inside your home. Put a time limit on how long they have to locate the articles. Be creative! You can even put some things in the form of clues, so everyone has to figure out what the object is. Have a small prize for the winner.

There are sooooo many things you can do to not die in this quarantine, but we are more focused  on what we can not do than in the craziest and funny things that we can make up!

We hope you have such amazing vacations and do not forget to stay calm and creative.

By Susana Rengifo & 
Andrés Argel, Step 10.