Thursday, April 9, 2020

Entertainment Indoors


Nowadays, online concerts are a reality, because all of this new issue relating to the coronavirus situation when many events are being virtual, like classes and online concerts are one of the things that are released virtually.

There are artists that are offering free concerts to their public virtually, it’s obviously been disappointing for many fans to have concerts from their favorite artists canceled, but you know who else is stuck at home? Your favorite artists and they're ready to entertain.

Chris Martin from Coldplay appears to have started a bit of a trend as he live-streamed a mini concert from his home on March 16th, and now many other musicians are scheduling shows of their own.

What I think about all of this, is that this is a good idea to entertain people during their isolation, but in my opinion is bad for the persons that were going to the real concerts in person, because the point of going to a concert is to see your favorite artist in person and only separated from only some meters. 

But what can they do? Nothing, because isolation in today's situation is the best you can do for our society to avoid coronavirus, since the most important thing is always  life, so this online concerts are a good way to entertain people from their houses.

By Juan C. Annichiaricco, Step 9