Thursday, April 9, 2020

My Personal Insights On Literature For The Souls.

Poetry And Literature As A Way Of Expressing Emotions In Teen Agers.

Poetry, the art of words, rhymes and song. How you altercate intricate words to your liking for them to be heard in a melodic rhythm. Literature, also the art of words but in more than one way. These can be used in so many ways and manners, they have so many uses and even though some of them seem so classy and complex, they are not as much as they appear to.

With this piece of writing, which is also literature in one way or another, I plan on presenting my point of view on this topic I have been so interested in. How can certain forms of art, such as poetry and literature be of help to teenagers who face some trouble in expressing their feelings or emotions in a pacific, calm way to others. 

Those people that belong to said problematic age gap between childhood and adulthood who majorly react in unfavorable ways to the other people that surround them in a daily basis.Those who have what we tend to call “anger issues”. How can we prevent them to harm people - physically or psychologically - , and with people I am not only talking about those who surround them but I refer to themselves as well. 

If you have experience with this topic you know that the anger bubbling up inside you like a kettle that is about to explode its hot content all over a room can impulse you to make irrational decisions, the hot red feeling blinding your eyes for a moment.

Literature is a way, for many people, to express their emotions. We can be witness of this in various writings, in some we can feel happiness flowing out of the page of the book we are holding in our hands at the moment, in some others we are filled with a blue sadness because of the melancholic words the artist is using, referring to a lost or to a disappointment in their life. 

Overall, writing is a very sentimentally impulsed form of art and it is not limited to classy old people, everyone can be part of it. I firmly believe that taking a pencil and writing in an empty piece of paper is a great form of therapy for those who feel alone, at night, when you feel like no one can help you, write a poem. During lonely evenings, write a story of a beautiful princess who finds love, or an ugly ogre who turns into a prince.

The fun in it is that there is no limits, it can be as crazy as you’d like. It also brings several benefits to your mind, memory, vocabulary, amongst others.

In conclusion, I believe that everyone should try out experimenting a bit with other forms of arts and expressing feelings, instead of yelling and/or hurting others, you will enjoy it without a doubt.

By Juliana Restrepo Sibaja, Step 9.