Thursday, April 9, 2020


This book is one of the saddest I have ever read, although I loved the story from the beginning because it tells the life of a rough boy (Luke) in a different way.

Luke, being a boy with so many problems and who had no one to listen to him, apart from his psychologist, until he found Hasley and replaces that loneliness to never wanting to get away from her.

One of the things I liked the most, is that the title of the book has a meaning within the story, being a boulevard a very beautiful place with many trees, in which Luke and Hasley called their "Boulevard of broken dreams" with a meaning very special for both.

What hurt the most was the ending, that I am still unable to overcome, but I do not regret reading it, since it was one of the best books I have read, despite it isn't the classic happy and expected ending.

By Andrea Parra, Step 8.