Friday, April 17, 2020

Another Fable

Once upon a time a small white alpaca called RJ, that lived with her mother, father and a small brother on a farm just outside the city.

Rj always dreamed of being a famous businessman but the alpaca's family was very poor and had no money to send him to the city and pay for his studies. Because of this, Rj tried hard to study at home, besides that he helped his father with the farm work whenever he could.

Rj’s parents tried to make him understand that his dream was almost impossible.  It hurt them to have to extinguish their son’s dreams, and it hurt them even more not to be able to do anything for him to reach it, but despite the insistence of his parents RJ never gave it up, since he knew that if I achieved it he could give a better quality of life to his parents and his little brother.

One day RJ was walking through the market and heard two rabbits were talking about selling their fur for  money, so RJ was curious about this and he decided to get close and ask them about it.

The rabbits told Rj that there was a horse that bought the fur of various animals and paid very well.
Rj asked them if they could give him the information of that horse, and they gave him the card of presentation of the horse.
RJ called the horse, his name was Mang, they came to an agreement where he would pay Rj for his beautiful white fur,

Also, Rj told him his story and his dreams of going to the city to study and give a better life to his family.

Mang was so impressed with the story of the alpaca that he
decided to give him a little help so that he could reach his dream because it resulted that Mang was the son of the director of a university in the city, So, he called his dad to tell him about Rj’s situation and see if they could give Rj a scholarship. This accepted on the only condition that RJ should maintain a good academic average, Rj accepted excited and went running to tell the news to his parents, they could not believe it, but when a letter from the university arrived the next day,  where it accepted  Rj, they could not contain the tears.

The university was not easy, but that’s a story for another time, so it was like an alpaca managed to achieve its dream despite the difficulties.

By María Camila Pinzón, Step 10