Friday, March 27, 2020

Music and Teenagers' Implications

Music has always formed one of the main elements in the formation of culture. Teenagers are most likely to be influenced by new music styles.

Music is an element that increasingly influences the lives of young people, and teens do not listen to what their parents tell them what is correct, but rather listen to what they want or what their friends tell them, but current music is characterized by having more violent, sexual and promiscuous messages that are heard by young people every day; in addition, the famous artists in their videos are showing less and less clothing and showing sexual messages that young people seek to follow.

Resultado de imagen de el efecto que causa la musica en los jóvenes

The truth is that music is an instrument endowed with an enormous power of persuasion, capable of influencing many attitudes, moods, emotions and human acts. 

As teens gain independence, they may find alternative models of lifestyle in music, which can be found on artists generally looking to identify with their music as a way of expressing themselves. Even, most of them or some of them decide to imitate their way of dressing, speaking or copy their physical appearances sometimes.

Here's the conlusion: No matter what type of music, artist or lyrics a person likes, what matters is that the adolescent knows how to differentiate if they let their life be totally governed by what an artist says or not.

By Adriana Butrón, 
Heidi and Giselle Rico,
Step 10