Friday, March 20, 2020

Frontier's Clashes

Riot on the Colombian- Venezuelan border

Resultado de imagen de frontera colombia venezuela hoy
Moments of tension were experienced on Tuesday night by the inhabitants of Paraguachón on the  border, after a crowd looted a truck loaded with food. The truck was parked and ready to enter Venezuela, with in fact was coordinated by the authorities of both countries. The event happened at 6:30pm

The community was enraged and threw blunt objects at the security forces, slightly wounding an army soldier in the head, so it was necessary to intervene in a regulated manner by the Esmad who had been at the border since last Saturday. Managing to control the situation and comply with the passage of the load.

The action was planed, since it's stated that from the very morning, rumors were spread regarding the famous truck, and people quickly formed groups that would would carry out the act. 
All the commotion was caused after Ivan Duque's decission to close the border, due to COVID-19. This left many compatriots stuck on the other side of the border and overall any citizen who constantly has to go through the border, due to reasons like work, or family. As it was expected many are waiting to know if they will be reopened any time soon. 

María Camila Montes, Step 10.