Friday, March 27, 2020


Your Choice 

The majority of us can say that have walked on the streets and seen smoke in the air or walked on the beach and seen innumerable trash or cans on the sand or into the ocean. 
This common incident is known as pollution which is described as the occasion in which the land, air, or water becomes dirty or unclean because of several pollutants affecting the plant life and other organisms that live in these surroundings. 
Two main areas that are severely affected by pollution are both water and air, this is two elements that are completely essential to humans, other living creatures and the environment itself.  

Air and water pollution is one of the biggest problems the environment faces today. It is one of the highest leading cause of death. Air and water pollution has been affecting the environment for many years causing many diseases among people especially children.

Industry and construction businesses are booming around the globe, especially in various growing nations. Industrial pollution is one of the primary sources of environmental contamination. This human-made source has profound effects on the health of living organisms and the entire planet.

The effects are far-reaching and liable to affect the ecosystem for many years to come. The majority of industries require large amounts of water for their work, this water comes into contact with heavy metals, harmful chemicals, radioactive waste or even organic sludge, and are dumped into open oceans or rivers, as a consequence many of our water sources have a high amount of industrial waste in them which seriously impacts the health of our ecosystem.

The same polluted water is used by farmers for irrigation purpose which affects the quality of food that is produced. Polluted waters aren’t safe to drink or swim in and can cause illness even years after you’re exposed, or you can feel the effects indirectly by eating seafood that has been poisoned by its environment. 

Also, factories and industries emit a wide range of pollutants, like carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia among others, thus pollutants are very dangerous for humans health, increasing the probability of several diseases like asthma or bronchitis. 

Quite aside from the damaging effects that contaminated water or air can have on humans, it also can be catastrophic for entire ecosystems. The flora and fauna that lives in these polluted waters is simply unequipped to deal with such contamination, and will simply be killed off by the undue levels of pollution.

As well as risking the population of species, this can have a greater knock-on effect on the food pyramid as a whole, because when the primary food source of a larger underwater animal becomes endangered or extinct, that animal will encounter problems too in finding sustenance or will become poisoned through eating the same chemicals that killed its prey, causing leading to a chain effect. Where will this aim? While we might enjoy our position at the top of the food chain right now, we’d only have ourselves to blame if the pyramid were to come toppling beneath us. 

However, if the government takes some initiatives such as setting rules regulations and imposing restoration costs, then it is achievable to maintain a good quality of air and water. The government could limit the amount of smoke releasing in the air and make prevention rules about throwing industrial trash on the sea, oceans, lakes. Besides, companies, which release a huge amount of smoke in the air could be responsible to pay more penalty fees for reducing the harmful effects on people.

But not only governments need to act, but it is also our responsibility to start changing our habits if we want to see improvements, just with things as recycle and ride you bike somedays instead of a car, you are making a huge difference, even though maybe you don't see it now. If we take the matter in our hands with solutions like those, hopefully, we could see air and water pollution diminish and improving in air and water qualities.

“Water and air, these two essential fluids on which all life
depends, have become global trash cans” Jacques Ives. 
We are only damaging ourselves, it's our duty to make a difference, to start realizing and caring, because if we don't then who would. is your choice in what world you want to live if you want a destroyed world without clean water to drink and pure air to breath, or in a pure and clean world.

By Natalia Rojas, Step 10