Friday, February 28, 2020

UN News


The ESMAD in spanish "Escuadrones Móviles Anti disturbios" is personnel trained to control riots, crowds, blockades accompanying evictions from public or private spaces that occur in urban or rural areas of the national territory. 

Taking into account the recent strikes our country has faced, this group has made presence all around the national territory. In many occasions these groups have harmed the citizens trying to protect the integrity of cities. 

As a result of what was prior mentioned, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights asked the Colombian State to initiate The Special Rapporteur requested thorough, effective and independent investigations into cases of alleged excessive use of force by ESMAD during the recent social protests.
Resultado de imagen de esmad
OHCHR also urged the State to initiate a profound transformation of ESMAD, including a revision of its protocols on the use of force and less lethal weapons and ammunition to meet international standards and norms. 

Among its concerns about the State’s handling of social protest, this office recommended that the State restricts, to the greatest extent possible, and in accordance with international norms and standards, the use of the Army in situations related to citizen security, including social protest.

By María Camila Montes, Step10.