Friday, February 7, 2020

Too Late

The Tiny Little Liar

Hi! Bernie the Ant is here
I got a story I want you to hear
The story of how I somehow lost my friend’s trust
And how their feelings for me got filled in disgust.
I don’t know how this happened and why did they do that
But yeah, I think I should get over that.

One morning, I was walking around at the kitchen
As I saw a transparent looking egg-filled chicken.
I saw one giant playing a game called Tekken,
And another giant was having fun with the kitten.
I lost track of time, I looked back at that chicken
And I realized my goal, to be eatin’ and drinkin’.

I saw a block of sugar
I ran as fast as a tiger
But since I’m an ant, I couldn’t go much longer
Because a giant arrived, apparently a cook who is stronger.
Than my desire for that block, but it kept getting bigger
However, I couldn’t wait, I had to get it faster!

I gave up, I went back to my tribe
In a very delightful and cheery vibe
I told my friends about the white block
And we went faster than a bullet out of a glock
I was in the lead, I gave them the way
And still, the block was far, far away.

When I saw the block… Hip, Hip, Hurray!
My friends and I are a mile away
But the giant took the block away
And when he ate it, I said: ‘No Way!!’
My friends for not seeing it, didn’t believe of my desire
And alongside my sadness, I felt very tired

My friends told me: ‘‘Hey, where’s that block?’’
I replied with: ‘‘He took away that block..
And he ate it, and saved it within his acid lock,
I don’t think we’ll ever get that block’’
Since then, my friends disagreed with my thoughts and desire
Now, I’m known as the Tiny Little Liar.

Angelo Martínez, Step 9