Friday, February 21, 2020

Our Diverse Bodies


Lately, we are hearing very often that being skinny is being healthy, or also that skinny people are what society has called perfect, which in my opinion is completely false. Even for me the word PERFECTION does not exist, referring to everybody. Although it is good to maintain healthy habits, exercise etc., this is not everything and for each person is very different.

I am not the first to say it and I will not be the last one, ALL BODIES ARE DIFFERENT, EACH BODY AND EACH PERSON IS A WORLD COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM EVERYONE ELSE. Although it seems something completely easy to understand it is not, even worsens in this stage of adolescence, when we, as teenagers, are very opened to many comments that people make about us, our life, body, face or thoughts. It’s a very difficult stage to pass through, you just does not feel enough for anyone, which can be the beginning of many cases of depression. 

Unfortunately, at my young age of 15, what I have seen in
society today is not what I would like. We live in a society with a completely wrong perspective of what is a healthy body or being inclusive with absolutely everyone, people of color, very skinny people or fat people, people with a different religion or gay people. We live thinking that the perfect body is: Without stretch marks, without cellulites, without belly, without stains or without body hair [Referring to women], on the contrary we don’t stop to think what a real body is and how to take care for it.

As many obese people want to lose weight and do everything they can for gaining their goal, for some reason or any disease they cannot do it so easily and still they have to endure everyone of the people’s criticisms. The same way, many very skinny people who want to get a little fat and for some reason they can’t, they also have to put up with the criticisms that society is accustomed to saying in these cases because many young people today speak without thinking and criticize without knowing the milestone or the backlashes of their stories. We need to react and not being so ignorant about this important issue, we need to learn how to take care of ourselves mentally and physically.
By Nathalie Salas, Step 9