Friday, February 28, 2020

EF Speech on Poverty

My Speech On Fighting Poverty

Good morning. I am María José Durán, a student of nine grade at American School in Barranquilla. Today, I’m going to talk about the worldwide poverty.

Many countries around the world are having serious poverty problems.  In reality, poverty is the reason why some of these countries are called third world countries.  But what is poverty?  According to the United Nations standards, people who live with $ 2.5 per day or less are considered poor.  If they live with $ 1.25 per day or less, it is considered extreme poverty.  

Unfortunately, poverty is a massive problem in the world, and approximately 1 billion people living in poverty are innocent children and 22,000 of these children die every day due to poverty.

Poverty has become one of the main social problems in the world and also one of the most questioned. Different studies on poverty have been done and it can be said that extreme poverty continues to increase in the world, despite the plight of the world's economy, but an objective has been traced to end extreme poverty by 2030, all led by the hand of the UN;  however, for achieving this, it is necessary to include measures aimed at reducing the high level of inequality.

Today I'm going to mention 3 high-impact strategies that could help reduce the gap from poor families in the world: 

1- Increasing the income of the poor will increase their access to essential services, and will improve their long-term development prospects by fostering an early childhood development with a good nutrition. These measures will help children during the first 1,000 days of life, as nutritional deficiencies and lack of cognitive development during this period can cause delays in learning and lower school performance in later stages.

2- Universal access to quality education. Although access to education has improved in recent years, it is now necessary to emphasize it, ensuring that all children receive a quality education.  "In the education of all children, priority should be given to universal learning, knowledge and skills development, as well as teacher quality."

3- Universal health coverage with insurance of affordable and timely health care services that  reduce inequality and at the same time "increases the ability of people to learn, work and progress."

These were my ideas to reduce the  worldwide poverty,  also
the governments of each country have to help the different Non-Governmental Organizations and Foundations, working hand in hand with their citizens and private sectors that should help and donate.

Thanks for your attention.

By María José Durán, Step 9