A Rabbits' Case
There was once a rabbit that was chewing
into some corn, where everything was green and those plants were blooming due to the fact that it
was spring. Then, suddenly, another bunny arrives. “Don’t eat it”, the
mysterious bunny says alarmed. “Why not?” the white rabbit that was about to
munch in the delicious looking corn. “It will make you say corny jokes” he said
with a hint of humor to then burst into laughter.
The white rabbit looks at him
in disbelief, but fast decides to return to his previous duties, opening once
again his mouth wide to fit a bit of the corn. “I’m serious!” the brown bunny
said, this time without any humour in his big doe-eyes.
“Are you gonna say another joke? Because I swear to the carrots' god I will…” Once he started
talking, he is rapidly interrupted once again. “This time I am dead serious,
seriously, look me in the eye, you can’t tell me that I am not talking
He had got a point, he really looked distressed about the white
rabbit eating the corn. “Why are you so worried? it is just corn, we eat it all
the time and nothing bad happens to us, you dumb bunny” The white rabbit says
with airs of greatness. “Yet” The brown bunny corrects, “haven’t you heard? The
human have been plaging the soil with pesticides and plastic wraps that they
call garbage, they aren’t very tasty but not only that. They can also get stuck
into your throat and kill you right away!”
He is astonished, could that be true?
Should he believe him or was he just blatantly lying just to get more food without making much effort in it. “I am not trying to take your food I swear”
The brown furred animal spoke up, as if he was reading its mind. “ Are you a sychic or something?” the rabbit asked humorously. “Hahaha, I wish I was but I
am most certainly not.”
“Anyway, why can I not eat this? does this
contamination have any name?” It asked curiously. “It is called pollution.2 He
is quickly answered by the bunny by his side. “Oh, that sounds really bad!
Humans should start thinking about us a bit more” “I am in total agreement with
you! I haven’t been able to eat decent food in days-” “BUNNY!” The rabbit
screams, he had been shot down by a reckless human.
He starts insulting him,
throwing at him the most cruel words he could manage. “Hey, it looks cute!, it is a
shame we have to kill them if we want to eat properly tonight.” The reckless
human said, as he just heard squeeks. “You’ll pay for this! I am going to eat
your toes while you sleep! dirty human!
By Abel Naranjo, Step 9