Friday, December 6, 2019

This New Cyber Society

The Cyber Globalyzed Society

The global nation, as it is called this new worldwide spread community, is a highly discussed topic which is hard to explain just using simple terms; therefore, it needs a deeper and broader undesrtanding, where our own point of view has to be all the time pondered.

Globalization is the exchange of world's views, products, ideas, and culture as well. This concept implies a deeper outlook of this interconnected and interdependent cybernauts' world with a free transfer of capital goods and services around it.

Thus, is this really what a country needs in order to progress? So, undergoing globalization is much more than only interacting and exchanging all kinds of things, from information to knowledge, from ideologies to brainwashing.

In the simplest terms, globalization comes from globe and it means that the whole world is gaining a sence of togetherness as a community of nations.

Furthermore, it has brought a lot of changes in various aspects, as to say, employment because it has opened lots of job opportunities, where people are hired to run different applications or just to work from home by using a computer for either saling products or services, so the better a person is in handling and mastering them, the better chances to get these positions.

Indeed, globalization has an affirmative impact towards the
countries, especially when talking about technological divices, as cell phones, and other advances that offer the possibility of improving the future, so it looks better and promising, but who knows?

By María Gabriela Hernández 
and Mateo Aronna, Step 11