Thursday, December 12, 2019

About Life

Ups and Downs

Life has many ups and downs,
Loving slimes and also frowns.
Good events and some are bad,
Happy emotions and others mad.
It can be a bumpy ride,
How you handle it, you'll decide!

Our life, we may shape and mold,
It's more precious, than all the gold.
As we wake, there's a shine,
From our sun, the day is fine.

With our family, life we share,
They love us back, they truly care.
We are never alone, ever alone,
We are people, we're not a stone.

You would love life, for little things,
Like when a little child sings.
Abundant joy, we may create,
We would love life, it's truly great!

Life is like a long road going on and on,
Not knowing when it's going to end.
But still you strive for another tomorrow,
Hoping that in the long run,
Everything will turn out alright.
But just like the road through,
It must come to an end.

By María José Durán, Step 9