Friday, November 15, 2019

30 Years Of Inequality


"Today the country has practically the same amount of inequality as 60 years ago"  

The Chilean Crisis started almost 4 weeks ago, it seems to be started by the 30 Chilean pesos that the government added to the cost of the transport fares, but the truth is that the protesters didn't start because of that, it all began as a result of 30 years of inequality, very bad health attention, high educational costs, transport costs, electric energy costs, and even more.

Here is an example of what the protesters want to change: The country's median salary is of $540 per month. Average payments in the national private pension program, the only safety net for retirees are about $200 a month.  Many people are receiving only the fifth part of the money that they were earning when they were part of the population economically active.

Some weeks ago, more than a million of Chileans went out to protest for a more equal country and a better one.

The protesters want President Piñera to quit and also want the government to take care of the things that they promised.

Just a few days ago President Sebastián Piñera gave an apology. He started off apologising on national television and announced some concessions, including higher wages and an increase in pensions, as well as higher taxes for the rich. And even with the speech that the president gave, Chileans don't want to accept Piñera as their president anymore, they want him to resign for good.

Anyone can see that this protest is for a very noble cause, because each one of the protesters has in their hearts the will to change the country and make it better for all those generations yet to come.

By Juan S. Mengual S., Step 8 Yellow