Friday, October 18, 2019

Animals That Care For You

Dogs, man’s best friend.

Through our whole life we have been hearing about the fact that dogs are the man’s best friend, they’re in many homes, they make part of families, and they are treated as humans many times. 

Today I bring you some reasons why dogs are called the man’s best friend: 

1. Dogs have terrible short-term memories

We humans  keep rancor against many people, but dogs can’t do that because they are so pure, they do not remember the wrongs we do to them, so they always love us in a beautiful and true way. 

2. Dogs have your back 

Dogs are not really fans of strangers, and when someone tries to get near owners, they could attack them, and like this our dogs can save us from the aggression of someone. 

3. Dogs are really smart 

Depending on the breed of the dog, it is also  it’s intelligence, but they are really smart, they know when they are somehow doing wrong, and when they are not, sometimes they feel sad when we do not appreciate them. That’s why we need to love, need, and take care of them all the time. 

4. Dogs help your health

When you have dogs, you need to walk them, to feed them, take them to the vet, and many other things, is as if you had a kid, they keep you active, something that is good to your heart, they keep you physically active, they make you  work out, you need to play with them and sometimes they don’t get tired easily. 

5. They won’t let you eat alone. 

We all want some company at the time we eat and what better than our best friend, dogs are always making you company when eating.

By: Dina Reyes, Step 9