Friday, September 6, 2019

Short horror story on vampires

Orange Ray

1st Part
The sun was going down, soon the last orange ray was about to vanish in the air, her eyes were just admiring that brief moment of the day, that made her feel careless; in that second the only thing that existed in space and time was her and the shy sun rushing to hide. 

Once again she was lost, she did not understand why that kept happening, it was like her mind locked a door and stored all her ideas, just when she needed them the most. It was harder than she thought, when Mr Ionescu told her that there was an available job in Constanious, she did not think twice in taking it, and there was 2 simple reasons why, first, there was no job opportunities in 1856; therefore, this was a miracle for Cora, and second, in order to become the best writer in Romania, she needed some practice and new skills.

The next day she arrived earlier to the downtown, the place where all businesses where located. She sat in front of her desk and started thinking, what is happening? Is this the moment of an author’s life where he is blocked? Is my career over at just 20? - Cora Georgescu, the girl I was looking for - said Mr Ionescu, interrupting her thoughts. - I’m sorry, I was just working in an article for next edition, it is … almost done - she lied. - Drop it, I want you to work in something more exciting- He said with a smile in his face. 

The giant bell in the Central church began to sound, letting all the people in Brasov know that it was already 6:00 p.m., it was time to go home. Cora ran through the streets, men stared at her with surprise, a group of women in front of Constanious judged her attitude, they thought the girl did not have proper manners, it was not right to run among people, it was graceless for a lady. 

They had no idea that when she walked out of the the store, she was the happiest woman on earth. She had a mission, a simple one, writing a chronicle was easy for her, especially when she already had a theme given. It was about an exotic type of flower being commercialized, people believed one petal dissolved on water could cure dementia.

The only thing Mr Ionescu asked Cora, was to interview
some witnesses, but she had a different plan. It was a little harder than she thought to pass through the enormous trees surrounding the front garden of The Bran Castle, it was an easy plan, she would just take some flowers herself, it was not dangerous whatsoever, nobody lived in that area, and that Castle was abandoned centuries ago.

 Finding that plant and sketching it took her around 20 minutes. - What is a young lady doing here at 8:00 p.m.? - she heard the voice of a man, and jumped with fear, she looked behind her, to her sides, there was no man. It is my mind tricking me, she told herself repeatedly. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes, as soon as she did the man was in front of her, face to face. She instantly threw the book at him.

Go on reading…
By Valeria Villera, Step 10