Friday, September 6, 2019


Cursed Lives

Today, I wasn't in the mood for anything, so I went for a walk
in the nearest forest that was pretty close to my home, but in the last minute, I took my bike to work my body out.

I was riding my bike and walking from time to time, but I had a feeling that someone or something was following me. As soon as I turned around, there was nothing, though.

A chilling gust of wind made me feel like I needed to urgently go to answer a call of nature, but suddenly, I was pushed to the floor.

Who dared doing this to me? I turned around once more, to discover a ghostly creature who was staring at me, her eyes suckets were emptied. Despite that, you could feel as if it were looking at you deeper than anyone, till your bones would break in panick.

My skin and all body was trembling with goosebumps, it was as if the masque of the death was right in front of me, red, black, languishing, trying to utter some cursing words against me.

In a terrifying manner, I went on with a dying voice, turned around, praying God for forgiveness, but what for? What had I done? Unless another relative had cursed one of us in the past, I was sure not having transgressed anyhow any possible rule neither from men nor angels either.

I regained strengths and went forward to face it, the death of
the red mask was imminent, no one could refrain myself from attacking it; however, no matter what I did, it was impossible to grab it, since it was ethereal, elusive, and like gas, it eternally escaped from my languid hands, heavy, exhausted, emaciated, I finally surrendered to its power.

That red mask had led me to die in exhaustion, but it let me hear some whys; for instance, before I could die, the cold wind froze my spirit, the forest was darkened, the falling leaves made an autumn in spring, and as if it were a blury  badly projected film, scenes started pasing my eyes...

Long, long ago, when my great-grandfather was alive, he got in love of with a certain beauty in town, whose grandeur was her pure heart, her kindness, and her respect for everyone's, but there was a tyrant who ruled them and was infatuated with her, till daring kidnapping her to satisfy his lowest desires.

Soon he eclipsed her beauty from so much abuse, dying in seclusion in one of his dungeons where rats and humidity made her get pneumonia, but before passing out, she cursed her abductor and ex-boyfriends for the next ten generations, and I was the last one without any suitable absconding. My great-grandfather was guilty of not defending her.

I had the chance to understand  the evil, enraged, once magnificent beauty that ended up being a nomadic  death version, who came over to kill me and this way I finally got why my ancestors all died in terrifying ways.

Now, it is my turn, I have to kill the red mask or die with her...but there was no win for me...a century perverted her, making from her a huge demon whose only aim was to ravaging any surviving being in my family.

I stopped fighting, I felt the peaceful completion of a life's journey, I even agreed with her, I wanted to joined her  find my great-grandfather and her tyrannic kidnapper in order to kill them once again...or at last, this is what I made up for her to release me, and so she did.

Once free, I drank up the nerve to deny her presence, and this way I have beaten and killed the red masque, her death left her spirit in black, going to hell, where both my great-grandfather and her abuser were waiting for her once more because those who give in to the temptation of taking revenge are condemned to solitude, endlessly bitterness, and to be in hell forevermore.

I learned from this horrific experience that there are times
when the only way to defeat an evil spirit is to not succumb to its level, purposely denying its existence is a way out of its dominion.

By Miss Odilia Pérez
E.L.A Teacher