Friday, September 6, 2019

A Story Based On Values

On Values

Once upon a time, in an unknown town there was a little farm named "SUPERGRANJA", whose owner was Mr.T.

In this place there were lots and lots of animals, but we are
going to focus only on some of the cows in there, their names were Lupi, Alija, Floren, and Glusilda. These four cows were rude and racist with other animals, they were so mean that even made them leave the town. These four cows bullied other animals like, cows, pigs, horses and donkeys, most likely donkeys, they hated them.

One day these four cows were chatting like everyday, but then they saw a truck arriving, so they went to see what was going on.
Lupi: Hey girls, did you see that truck arriving?
Glusilda: Yeah, we did.
Floren: What could be inside of that truck?
Lupi: I think there are more animals in there.
Alija: But why? Mr.T knows we don't like other animals and we like them less if they are donkeys, donkeys are smelly and ugly.
All together: True, they smell pretty bad.
Floren: Why is he doing this to us?
Glusilda: Maybe he's trying to make us meet new friends.
Lupi: No, that's weird and difficult.
All together: Quite weird.
Alija: Ok, we're going to see what's in there or not?
Floren: Yeah, let's go.


Steward: Good Morning Sir, the donkeys you bought are here.
Mr.T: Yes, finally, now my cows can set aside their prejudices about donkeys. I'm going down stairs in two minutes.


Lupi: We have to see what's inside there.
Alija: Yes, but we have to wait for Mr.T to come.
Mr.T: Ok, this is bigger than what I expected. Let's open these doors.
Floren: Please, tell me it isn't a donkey.
Glusilda: I could tell you that, but I'd be lying.
Alija: Oh no, please,  no!.
Glusilda: Well it can't be all bad, maybe we were not right in some things about other animals.
Lupi: Let's give him a good welcome at least, maybe he will surprise us with a good smell.


Donkey: Hello "señoritas".
Floren: Oh, he speaks Portuguese
Donkey: Actually it isn't Portuguese.
Lupi: Yeah Floren, it is Chinese.
Gluislda: No girls, it is Spanish, the best of the languages.
Donkey: That's true, Spanish it's beautiful
Glusilda:(whispering) See girls? This donkey got class.
Donkey: So, where am I sleeping?
Floren: There, in that barn.
Donkey: Oh ok, it seems very cozy. See you all tomorrow?
Lupi: Of horse! Did you see that? That was a pretty good word game.
All together: Yeah!, sure.
All together: See you tomorrow.


Alija: Don't you think he's a little… Maybe… Cute and maybe not that smelly?
All together: Noooo, well, maybe only a little.
Glusilda: Maybe we were prejudging donkeys, maybe all animals are the same, doesn't matter the type.
Lupi: Today we learned that we don't have to prejudge anybody.
Floren: Yeah!, we also have to respect all animals and treat them the same.
Alija: I'm ashamed of myself.
All together: We are ashamed too.
Glusilda: We have to apologize with all the animals that we have mistreated over the years.
Donkey: It's not that I was spying or something, but I did hear someone saying that you thought donkeys were smelly.
Lupi: Yes, we said that. 
Floren: And we are sorry for that, it was a prejudge, now we know that's bad.
Donkeys: That's cool, everyday people and animals say we're smelly and dumb, they even say we're ugly. It is just a stereotype.
Alija: Wait, so aren’t you angry at us?
Donkey: No, I'm not angry, I understand your situation, we're used to hear we are all those things. The important thing here is that you guys now will respect other animals and treat them as they deserve to be treated.
4 cows: Thank you for understanding now we'll go and apologize with the other animals we mistreated and disrespected.

Moral: It doesn't matter who it is or the conditions that they have, we all are the same and that's why we have to respect each other and treat each other equally. Don't judge anyone or something anythingbefore you even know it.

By Juán Sebastián Mengual,
Step 8 Yellow