Friday, September 27, 2019

Mystery Story.

The Found Incriminatory Crown

His name is Omar Yehia, a colonel in Cairo’s police department. In this land the people are not happy and the government is surprisingly unstable, its hands are filled with violent cases that are happening disturbingly frequent.
“Colonel Yehia, we need you at 19th avenue right now, it’s urgent” The police radio resonated distracting him from his investigation on the most recent murder case. “I will be there in a minute” he briefly answered to the lieutenant that had contacted him.

He quickly finished reading some more evidence that some residents in the area had found about the last case that was presented to him and signed off the computer, organizing papers in different folders depending on their importance and relevance. He then, made his way up to his car, so he exited the police department in a hurry, greeting some of the people that he saw as he made his way out, turned on his car and entered. The engine started with a loud roaring that made the car shake a bit, then he started driving to the address that was given to him.

When he arrived he was able to witness several police cars and some forensic specialists closely examining the area. As he got closer to the area surrounded with “Do not cross” yellow tape, typical of these cases, Lieutenant Sayed approached him quickly, “Glad you made it here that fast Colonel Yehia” he said with formality. “What is the matter Lieutenant?” he asked with a bit of concern because there had been a while since a case seemed this urgent.

“There was a murder” the lieutenant began, this was quite usual so the colonel frowned in confusion. “A prostitute was slain, but there’s something odd about this case”, he paused, as if the lieutenant himself couldn’t believe it “what’s wrong?” “A prostitute was slain, but she carried Queen Mary’s crown” he announced.

“WHAT!?” He screamed, he couldn’t even believe it. “We couldn’t believe it either, but it’s true, it’s the original one”
How could that even happen?, the crown was sacred, a symbol of purity and royalty. “We contacted you here in hopes that you can find the guilty criminal of this unforgivable crime.
“We need to find the criminal” he said, worried.

He arrived to the police department, immediately initiating his investigation. He first looked at the police record, finding who the finger prints that were on the crown belonged to. Rajiv Sorka was the name that read on the screen, he was a well-known criminal that was incarcerated on the Cairo Prison, so that was where he needed to go to.

He arrived at the Cairo Prison, asking the guard that was at
the entrance if he knew of Rajiv Sorka, he was in isolation treatment so he had to go to the most secure isolated cabins.
“Rajiv Sorka, am I right?” He ensured.

“The only and proud one” he was proud of his name, of his criminal backstory. Clearly, he didn’t regret anything. “Can you give me an explanation about what were you doing with the queen’s crown?” He asked sternly.
“ I won’t tell you” he said in a provoking tone.
“Well, you will if you don’t want to be sentenced to death” The criminal was taken a back by the same tone spitting venom from the colonel’s tongue.

“Fine, I guess I’ll have to tell you, that prostitute was sent from my behalf, I wanted the queens crown, so I could blackmail my way out of prison”
“That was the last straw Sorka” Colonel Yehia spit with despite. “You are now sentenced to death, start thinking about what your last meal will be” he turned his back at him immediately, not looking at his face of total anger as he exited the questioning  room.

“YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS”  he screamed at the colonel, but his job was complete, this crime was solved. Satisfaction overwhelmed the colonel’s body as he was proud of his actions, this crime was solved, thank to him.

By Nathalie Salas, Step 9.