Friday, September 20, 2019

A Mystery Story

The Secret of St. Applehunt's Assistant

I washed my hands, she was already cleaned her house too, so I proceeded to drink a glass
of water I needed to assimilate what I just have done to her, to my career, ¿how I'm gonna hide this?¿ and if they find out I am the criminal? Typical questions of someone who has just violated and killed an innocent woman, I needed to keep calm and continue quietly my plan -Did I clean the glass of water?-I asked myself. 

Perfect time to escape from the crime scene like an innocent citizen 2:40 A.M, they'll be checking right now yesterday camera-Lets remember the plan, I go to the yard and left to my house through the 8th avenue then to the Epple street, they don't have cameras, and quietly call an UBER no one will know that was me- I had everything planned, they will incriminate his husband and I will continue with my job as the assistant of the best prosecutor of St. Applehunt.

What a beautiful day! Smith-Said the prosecutor Brown- I agree with you, sir- When something good happened something even worse will happen next, believe me, it's true. Mrs. Hally called Prosecutor Brown-Prosecutor Brown! Hurry up!, look what we have here- That's when I knew the game has already started-

8th Avenue, Depple street, House 4, Tarah Billinghurst 8:30 A.M the maid called telling that she found her boss naked and upside down on the floor, first she thought that Mrs. Billinghurst was drunk so she tried to wake her up but then she found her body with bruises and bumps, but strangely she was perfectly cleaned.- Said Hally- Here we have the call, sir, do you wanna hear it?-Asked Hally- You already know the answer, Hally- said Prosecutor Brown-

 911, What's your emergency? I-I found m-my boss dead....- Here we are 2 hours and 46 minutes hearing the same stupid call over and over, trying to find a clue or anything, well he is trying I'm thinking of what I am gonna do if they discover me, well I exactly know what it's going to happen, guilty with death penalty- What are you thinking Smith?- said prosecutor Brown- Nothing, just thinking how will her family feel when they get the news- I excused- Why we didn't go first to the crime scene Mr. Brown?- A new case, a new strategy Smith, also we need to plan our strategies on how we will trap this criminal- - I'm tired let me get my iced latte, want your espresso- I asked Mr. Brown- If it’s no problem -I left to the nearest coffee shop we have, while I was thinking to go at 11 P.M to check again the house.

 After 11 minutes, I returned to the Office- She is here Mr. Brown- Said Hally- The maid?- I asked- I called her to ask her a few questions, please guide her to the interrogatory room Hally- Mr. Brown said- We should go to her house, do her family know the news?- Sure we did it 40 minutes ago, I told you, why are you so anxious Smith?- I didn't answer to him, that's when I knew every time I was getting more suspicious and I knew that he knew that each of my actions and words were suspicious and Mr. Brown noticed that somehow in a way he didn't want, I was involved in the case, every second my plan was going to the trash.

 Something in my head was telling me that I needed to tell the truth, but I didn't truly want to, because in the bottom of my heart I had hoped that they will never catch me- Why did you accept it?- I asked Mr. Brown- It's so unusual that the criminal knows what I think about a perfect crime, I almost forgot that next day at 6 A.M I should be at Mrs Billinghurst's house. 

Now, I'm going to make the interrogatory to the maid-He said-I'll go in a sec Mr Brown -I feel like a mouse in a mousetrap, as much as I want this whole thing to end I can’t, The maid answered very calmly the questions nad she said that her job started from, 8:00 A.M to 12:00 P.M, she knew the agenda of Mrs Billighurst, and she didn't have any bad relationship with anyone and she didn't have a lover.

Mr Brown knew that the criminal has just selected a random victim, he discarded her husband because the maid told him that he was in Qatar on a business trip and was true, so my plan was breaking down every time. It was time to go home so I did my everyday routine saying goodbye to the entire office and go home, but this time was different I went to Mrs Billinghurst house by the hidden streets and checked if everything was ok, so I entered to the house and checked everything, as I thought there was something in the bathroom, a hair, my hair so I burned it and left the house the smell of death was horrible and as the crime night I escaped silently, and I went to sleep until next day.

Good morning Mr. Brown- I said to the prosecutor- you overslept Smith--I slept late thinking about any clue--Prosecutor Brown we found something- Someone in the staff said, as we heard that we entered as fast as we could- Sir we found a hair--Small but with a big value, we need to examine it as fast as we can--Said Mr. Brown, I was ruined if I left anything else in there--I really don't feel good, the smell wanna make me vomit-I said-Well then go out Smith-said Mr. Brown-He is acting strangely, he never acted like this in a crime scene. 

I know something is hidden by him and I'll find out whatever
he hides - Mr. Brown said to the staff-- I'm back, I needed some water--PROSECUTOR BROWN, WE FOUND ANOTHER ONE!--we instantly ran into the scene and there she was Tarah Billinghurst and they have found a fingerprint, my fingerprint in the right thigh of Tarah, the only thing that they didn’t know was that it was my fingerprint and they will never find out any form  because I’m not registered in the officila data. Time passes too fast, 6 o'clock already and as every day I left to my house hoping the best for me.

6:00 A.M THURSDAY 6 APRIL 2010
Good morning Mr. Brown-I Said- William Smith you are arrested, you have the right to remain silent, everything you say can and will be used against you, you have the right to a lawyer- Said Prosecutor Brown, I needed to assimilate what was happening right now, believe me, these words said by the Prosecutor Brown will stay in my mind till the end of my existence- But I'm innocent, why am I getting arrested- Never lie to me, you know. I will know everything if I want to ¿Do you remember the glass of water?

By Antonella Cantillo, Step 9