Friday, September 20, 2019

A detective story

The Janitor's Short Money

Alexandra Hutchins is a twelve year old girl that studied at Washington’s Elementary School, she loved being a leader. She runs her elementary school’s newspaper and postulates to be class president every year, successfully winning the role with easiness since her peers did not enjoy the place.

She was a happy girl that did not fear expressing her feelings and thought towards other people, but she always did in a respectful tone since she was not a girl who enjoyed trouble. She lived in a happy big house with both her mo and her dad, along with a big golden retriever to compliment the american dream family stereotype. She was tall for her age, blond long shiny hair and green pretty big eyes. She was not one to be bullied since she could not keep her mouth shit when she was mistreated, making sure that the people who did got ashamed of their mis behaviors.

One day she had to stay late on her school finishing up some
of the school Newspaper’s files and adding some images to complete the text, so it was not boring to read. She knew very well what she was doing and acknowledged that pictures lead the children, and her peers included to read, and they incentivated them even more when they were shocking pictures of things that did not happen on daily basis. Even, when she knew sometimes she exaggerated a bit with the images that she decided to clip to the files.

About an hour later she had finished summarizing up the files that had been sent to her by her peers at the newspaper writing club, adding pictures and of course, las but certainly not least adding the cover of her school logo to the first page of the newspaper. 

She headed out to make her way back to her house since she did not have any more business at the monotonic building that they called elementary school, closing the door as she left. However, something interesting greeted her as she exited the big building that stood tall in the darkening sky. 

Someone, a man apparently, dressed all in  black, was getting out of the principal’s office with a manilla folder in his hands, he was not the most skilled man so she assumed he was not young either. Right when she saw this she decided not to scream at him since if there was any kind of encounter she did not stand any chance against a full grown man being only a twelve year old girl. Instead, she recorded it with her cellphone in order to have it as proof. She never stayed quiet and this time was not about to be the first one, she settled an objective for herself, she would find out who that burglar person was and she would make sure that the right consequences and actions were settled.

She arrived home and immediately took her old fashioned cell phone out of her pocket to take a better look at the video tape she had recorded of the man getting out of the principal’s office. She could see his face, it was indeed and elder man the one who was stealing those documents. She thought that she recognized his face, but she did not know exactly where she had seen him, she thought that she had seen him around school some day; however, she did not know if he was a teacher, cleaning assistant, who was him?
She decided o let the thoughts of solving this thrilling mystery aide for that day and go to sleep early, so she could get a better thinking tomorrow.

Today was a new day, Alexandra had done her breakfast by herself, ate it, washed her teeth and was ready to go. When she arrived at school she greeted everyone she could in hopes that she would recognize the face that she saw in her phone screen as the guilty one. However, when she wa about to enter classes and started losing her hope she came across one of the concierges whose job was to clean the school. She said hello to him and instantly recognized him, he was the one! He was the guilty one! She screamed, at the top of her lungs, so everyone could hear her. “He is the one who stole the documents from Mr Perez’s office!” 

The man instantly turned pale, trying to escape the situation but was impossible for him as he quickly was surrounded by several children and teachers that were alarmed by the screeching coming from Alexandra.

The janitor was taken to the principal’s office along with the little twelve year old, Alexandra. Apparently he had stolen some exam grades because he had been paid by several ninth graders, so they did not fail the semester. He was instantly fired and the ninth graders were expelled for inappropriate behavior. Alexandra received a recognition award and she was now definitely prouder of herself.

By Sofía Ranauro, Step 9