Thursday, June 13, 2019

On Mental Health

A Double Me

 There is always that point in our lives where we get really bored with our lifestyle and the things we always do. We feel like if we need a drastic change. Something that might make us feel more alive, but that something is not often found. Due to that, the rare desire of just being someone else or having someone else’s life starts to arise in our minds.

Lily, is a fifteen year old girl that lives in California. She constantly complains about her life and how boring it is. She is a normal teenager that goes to a common high school every day while carrying a normal life. 

While growing up, Lily started to realize the different lifestyles that people could have. Around the world you could find singers, actors, writers, doctors, webmasters and so many other cool lifestyles. Lily did not want to wait until she was older in order to start actually building up her career. She also did not know what career, job or lifestyle to pursue.

Everything for her, especially her future, was very uncertain and scary. Not knowing for sure how to carry on your life seemed terrifying for her. Choosing something to do for her entire life was nerve-racking. What if she did not like what she chose? What if she was not able to carry a happy life? Thousands of doubts and questions were always present in Lily’s mind.

A very normal Monday, she woke up with this feeling that she needed to make that change she had been waiting for. She was going to find the way to change her life for once and for all. She got ready for school very early and went walking as always, but while walking she ran into a very weird man that seemed strangely mysterious. He had long grey hair, dark green eyes and an older look. She decided to walk as fast as she could because the man’s look was starting to scare her.

When she walked past him, he started to call her by
whispering her name, which was very strange to her since she had never met the man. As she did not respond to his call the man started running and took her by her left arm. Lily started screaming while she was being dragged by him. Her sight was getting blurred until she passed out.

When she woke up the first thing she saw was a very weird machine and black walls all around. She had Goosebumps all over her body. Lily never thought she was going to get kidnapped, but actually that was not the case. The old looking man sat down with her and told her to calm down because he was not going to harm her, in fact he wanted to help her. He introduced himself to her by saying his name was David and that he was a body changer. 

Lily was still very confused about the last part and asked him what that meant and how that was going to help her. David told her that he knew everything about her life, and how unhappy she was with it. Therefore, he explained to her that he was a body changer because several years ago he created a machine on his own that could change you into the person you wanted in order to change your life. 

After hearing that, Lily got into the machine without any doubt and told David that she wanted to turn into people with very crazy and fun lifestyles and so he did. She went into different dimensions as numerous people with very rare ways of living. 

Afterwards, she went back to her normal life and realized that she could not keep up with those other lifestyles since they were very demanding and not easy to handle at all. Lily finally understood that if she wanted to change her life, she had to start from her mindset. She needed to change how she felt about life and how pessimistic she was because big changes start from within.

 By: Daniela Yúnez, Step 9.