Thursday, May 16, 2019

Peace In Colombia

How to Make from Colombia a More Peaceful Country?

Colombia right now, is one of the most important countries in Latin America. Not only we are one of the biggest Spanish speaking countries in the world, we also count on access to two oceans, which grants us with an enormous economic advantage. But, with that said, why are we not an economic power here in Latin America? The answer is war and dishonsty. 

We have been going through one internal war for more than 50 years, and one of the most weakening situations a country can face. So, in order to help Colombia thrive within its economic power, we need to make it a more peaceful country. 

Firstly, we need a government that is not so centralized, right now, most of the economy is focused on the center of the country (an exception being Barranquilla) This leaves most of the other regions, like the Amazon and Nariño left alone, with little to no aid from the government, promoting poverty and ignorance. 

Secondly, keep fighting with the FARC because it has  caused many deaths and disasters in Colombia. Even though Santos signed the peace agreement, there have been many cases in which they don’t follow what they signed. 

So finally, that means that many Colombian people are deshonest and living with this anti-value doesn’t allow us to progress, despìte our richness.

By Mariana De La Rosa, Step 11.