Thursday, April 11, 2019

How a Tuna Can and a Blanket Condemned and Then Saved the Day

How a Tuna Can and a Blanket Condemned and Then Saved the Day

Ever since anyone could remember, the kingdom of Tampu and the kingdom of Beres had been enemies. They always had a huge discrepancy between ideologies, customs and views of the world, which made them natural adversaries.

That was only made worse when the kingdom of Beres
rejected a trade from the Tampus about the tuna and fishes (National food) they were so proud of, saying fish was disgusting and only nasty people ate it. This was a huge offense for the Tampus, so they decided to also insult the textile of the Beres (their national product) saying it felt like sandpaper against the skin and left a foul smell to it. 

Seeing on how the 2 kingdoms were so offended, they both decided to sabotage the other. That same sabotage ended in trying to kill the other and ultimately in a war of hundreds of years.

One day of the battlefield, only one soldier of each side was still alive, and before they proceeded to try and murder the other for honor, a fierce storm came down upon them.

They were smart enough to escape and seek shelter and later found an abandoned house in the middle of the forest. They decided to not kill the other in these conditions, as it would only be a waste of time.

The only food available was some cans of tuna that the soldier of Tampu had with him, and the only source of warmth was a blanket the soldier of Beres always carried with him.

Thanks to the articles they carried from their kingdoms, they both survived the night and also realized that tuna of Tampu is actually delicious and that the fabrics of Beres are actually pretty warm and comfortable.
They parted ways and requested a meeting with the kings, which was granted and they discussed how things were not as bad as they remembered, that they actually were quite enjoyable and should be given a chance.

The King’s, being exhausted from the fighting and how much it took from them, gave the benefit of the doubt to the other, and weren’t disappointed at all. Quite on the contrary, they became successful with the help of the other and were not enemies anymore, but allies.

By Laura Cadena, Step 10.