How Mouth Ashes, Barranquilla, Was Born
In not such a remote place, where everyone used to live in peacefully and harmonious ways, so much that even the sound was inaudible, lived a precious creature that everybody called the Ocean Queen, but she was so gracious that the River Queen was really envious and always tried to demonstrate that she was stronger than her.
Once, while walking through the forests, the River Queen thought of having a duel between her and the Ocean Queen to establish who the most powerful was.
Days after, the River Queen sent a message to the Ocean Queen in order to meet, but the wind was the Herald, so all the coastal area got to know it ahead of the time, till the point that when the Ocean Queen knew about the proposed fight to see who could succeed, this wasn't any more an official message, but a gossip.
The days went on, the date for the confrontation was settled and animals from all over the realm came to the shore and beach to witness the biggest war ever.
The River Queen never expected to have such an audience, but she was not afraid of her contender, opposite she saw the chance to gain more adepts instead.
Finally, the River Queen saw, face to face, the Ocean Queen, her opponent, and everything became a chaotic quarrel between both trying to defeat one another.

This is how Ashes Mouth in Barranquilla was born and If you
want to see the sea struggling to swallow the Magdalena's river, you just need to take a train to that place where the horizon reminds us of the energy wasted in a war where nobody really wins, but the observers, us, can witness its brutality in a wetted landscape where the wind seems to remind the Ocean Queen of how much she has grown fatter, day by day, thanks to the River Queen.
want to see the sea struggling to swallow the Magdalena's river, you just need to take a train to that place where the horizon reminds us of the energy wasted in a war where nobody really wins, but the observers, us, can witness its brutality in a wetted landscape where the wind seems to remind the Ocean Queen of how much she has grown fatter, day by day, thanks to the River Queen.
By Miss Odilia Pérez.
E.L.A. Teacher