Thursday, March 21, 2019

Tips For Girls When They Are On Their Period

 Easing Girls' Period.

When it comes to puberty, girls are the ones that suffer
the most, and we today have some really good pieces of advice for you, girl,  when you are in pain and sensible because of  your period:

1. Avoid cafeine: Caffeine makes you retain water and can give you that achy, crampy, bloated feeling, so it's best to cut it out of your diet altogether. Good substitutes are ginger ale, herbal tea and herbal iced tea, or just plain water.

2. Exercise with light activities: Easy exercises like stretching, yoga, walking or swimming help increase blood flow, which cuts down on cramping. Sitting still can make you feel worse, so it is important to keep moving because it also relaxes you and hastens a better mood.

3. Hug a hot pad: The cozy warm feeling of a heating pad on your tummy feels SO GOOD when cramps have you feeling like trash. It can ease your body’s discomfort and minimize cramps.

4. Eat chocolate: Eating dark chocolate actually minimizes cramps. Once you are craving you can eat some dark chocolate, but make sure is the dark one, because if not, then it might increase your cramps because of the cafeine it contains.

We hope these tips are useful for you.

Andrés Argel and Susana Rengifo, Step 9.