Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Strange Illness

The Strange Illness

Once upon a time, a 20-year-old girl named María  that lived with her brothers, named Julio and Marco, were in their house talking of their week and drinking some beers when Julio stood up on the couch that he was sitting down and he went to the kitchen to get more beers and suddenly María start to seizures in the middle of the living room, Marco starts to scream “Julio, please come! I need your help 'cause I don’t know what is happening with María” Julio ran very fast and took her to the bedroom while Marco was calling an ambulance.

Julio and Marco were waiting for the ambulance but was very
late and María still  unconscious so they start to freak out, they don’t know what was happening to her. When they arrived at the hospital there were a lot of people with the same situation of Maria, so Julio and Marco were scared because that wasn’t normal. 

The doctor doesn’t pay attention to Maria for like 2 hours and Julio was desperate, so he started to shout that if his sister died, it would be their fault; then the nurses take Maria to check her, all the doctors were in shock because there were 10 cases like Maria’s one and they didn’t know what to do for them, they just gave them some oxygen. 

Few hours later, 2 persons in the hospital that were in the same situation of María died and Marco started to panick while Julio was shouting the doctor that was supposed to do something for María, but in that moment María started to say horrible things, despite she was sleep, she was talking with her eyes closed and she was saying things in German, she talks for like 20 mins and then Marco hit her in her face and she wakes up.

When she wakes up, Julio and Marco started crying since they couldn’t believe that María was alive, they hugged her and gave her some kisses. Later, María starts to ask what happened to her, so Marco and Julio went on to explain to her, the curious part of this is that when María wakes up all the people that were in her situation woke up too and everyone was okay, they had a healthy body and they were looking good. 

Then, the doctors said to Marco and Julio that María could go home because they lived the hospital. As soon as they arrived to their house, María was feeling good ,so they drank some beers and chatted until they fell asleep.

By Daniela Oñate, Step 10.