Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Controlling Demon

The Controlling Demon

Once upon a time, one girl named Roxy was in her room with her brother, both playing with a gun the so called Russian roulette because she had a demon in her soul that crashed inside all her organs, so she started killing first her brother wth her gun.

Later, the demon goes outside of her mouth, so then the demon called "Raad, take the arms of the kid and start eating him"... And so she did.

Five minutes later, the body of her brother was destroyed, so the girl started walking inside her home searching for her parents to kill them.

She found her dad first, and afterwards the demon took his  eyes off and started to eat them, then she found her mother and the demon crashed all her body and broke it in two parts.

At the end, Raad killed Roxy to be freed and started searching for a new soul to be controlled.

To be continued...

By Mariana Correa, Step 10