Thursday, March 21, 2019

My Tormented Fate

My Tormented Fate

Hi, my name is Scott and I want to introduce myself to you, telling you about something that happened to me, something that marked my whole life. Even in death. 

When I was 10, my parents decided to move to another country because he received a better job position. They had bought a house, it was cozy, I liked it, well, at least at first...  But during the nights, I heard sounds coming from the closet, I thought it was because of the wind; however, after several nights the sound was more intense, it didn’t stop, it was like if someone tried to open it, like if trying to get out. 

So, it happened to be like that for weeks, until one day while I was sleeping I heard how the closet door opened, and when I turned around I saw her, she was staring at me, as if she wanted something from me... I just covered myself with my blanket like if that could protect me from her. That was the first night that I saw her. 

The next morning, I thought it had only been a nightmare, at least that was what I wanted to believe, until the night came and it happened again, she appeared, stared at me and I just covered myself with my blanket. 

After several nights, I decided to tell my parents what was happening, but none of them believed me, they thought it was just my imagination. This went on for months, I had tried everything, closing the closet door, sleeping somewhere else, etc. But she kept showing up, she didn’t leave me alone.

One day, I heard my mother talking about the previous owners with the neighbor, she asked my mother how could she live there knowing what happened, and that's when I found out everything. A woman had killed her son and then committed suicide, here, in the house. That gave meaning to everything that was happening to me, the problem was that I didn’t know how to stop it. This tormented me for two years, until my father was transferred to another city and we had to move again.

It had been 4 years, I was 16, I thought it was over, that I was free, that I would not see her again and that all those horror nights had been left in the past, but one day I went out to play football with some friends and I was changing home with them since we lived in the same neighborhood, and I saw her, again, for a second, but I saw her and it was like reliving all those terrible nights when I was dying from fear. 

That night I didn’t sleep, waiting for her to torment me again, but she didn’t. I didn’t sleep for a week and a half, keeping an eye on the door of my closet, waiting for her to come out. After that, I couldn’t sleep well at night, I thought she was waiting for me to let my guard down to make my life a hell again... but that didn’t happen until after 2 months. 

I was then calmed sleeping, until the sound of a door opening woke me up, in that moment I didn’t want to turn around, I knew it was her, I didn’t want to see her, but still I did. She began to walk slowly towards me, like if she knew that didn’t matter what I did, I couldn’t escape from her. 

I couldn’t move, I was paralyzed, I tried to scream but my body didn’t respond to any order that I gave it; She came to the end of my bed, and threw herself on me, I closed my eyes so hard that my head hurt, but I didn’t feel anything, I lasted minutes like that, waiting for something to happen, I didn’t want to open my eyes, I was terrified.

I could not stand this anymore, it was killing me. She kept showing up at night, sometimes I heard her whispering my name. I wonder: What would she want from me? Why doesn’t she leave me alone? Why doesn’t she just end with this? Why did she like to torment me? Play with me, making me lose my head, driving me crazy. My parents took me to a psychologist, but that did not help me at all.

This kept happening until I left home 3 years later to go to college. In the last year, I met a girl that I fell in love with, she was the only one who managed to understand how I felt, the only one who believed me. We got married 5 years later, we had 2 children and we both worked in a hospital as doctors.

One day I was leaving work, I used to go to the parking lot and I heard someone calling me, I turned several times but could not see anyone, when I got to the car I saw the reflection of the woman who had been tormented me since I was 10. 

Suddenly, my chest started to hurt very strongly, I fell to the ground, out of nowhere everything turned black, and I could only see her, smiling... I guess that was what she wanted, that I died. That day I died from a heart attack, because of her. Now I am obligated to serve her, forever.

By M.M.H.G., Step 10