Friday, March 8, 2019

Not Everything Is Irreversible: EF

Not Everything Is Irreversible: EF

Ef Challenge 
My name is Maria Camila Montes, I'm 15 years old and I go to the institution American School in Barranquilla, Colombia.

Well, in my opinion, this is a topic that might be seen through different perspectives. Some might see it as that perfect future that is going to solve today’s problems like global warming, pollution, ozone layer depletion, conflicts between countries and sadly, the list goes on. They even dare to think that these and so many others are going to magically improve, reducing all the damage happening around the world. While some others, might not even see it due to all the damage caused by our own hands through the years and all the repercussions we are able to see and live today.

Isn’t it sad? 
Both of those opinions are completely different, but at the same time so wrong. In one side we have a mediocre opinion, where they think that randomly every damage caused by humans, is going to disappear as if our world and lives were only an illusion that can be reversible, sadly this is not the reality and every damage done here on this planet, has its own consequences, and just sometimes eventually things will get better, even if we don’t do anything about it. 

Which brings me to the other side, where people are so
disappointed in our society, so that they affirm that there’s no going backward and that the future for our new generations just gets worse as time goes by. They firmly believe that every damage caused, not only physically to our planet like the ones mentioned before, but also those damages to people’s mindsets, among so many others, are shortening the future, or at least making it more difficult.

Adding to this belief, they also rely on the fact that today’s society likes easier and faster things, that our future generations being raised today, are raised based on this mindset of easily achievable goals, that they are going to struggle if things around the world start to get worsening faster than we think.

But well, in MY case I don’t support any of these cases, I like to think as this generation, as the generation of change, and  I firmly believe that there could be a point in the middle where we believe things can get better and we believe it so much that we start to do something about it, and quick, but still being real about the situation, not trying to hide anything.

It isn’t a lie that things on our planet are starting to get rough, and why should we take it as a signal saying there is no going backward? instead, taking it as a wake-up call, telling us that if we fight there’s still a chance for improvement, of getting better, for hope. 

So when you ask me what my hopes for the future of our society are, I dare to say that the future is in today’s hands, we can have a bright future, but if we sacrifice our today, making up to all the years of continuous damage, as I said we are  not only destroying our planet but ourselves as well.

By María Camila Montes, Step 9