Saturday, March 2, 2019

My Past, Present, and Future Hopes: EF Speech

My Past, Present, and Future Hopes: 

EF Speech

Good morning, I’m glad to introduce myself, my name is Nathalie Salas, I’m an 8th-grade student at American school and today I’m going to talk about my own vision on our future.

First, I’m going to talk about the present we are living now, as you have seen our present is not what our grandparents imagined, they had another perception of what the future their kids would have to live might be. As we imagined, our future with a lot of technology and people living in the space etc., people in the past also thought those kinds of things, although many things have been accomplished, there are still others that now we are still waiting for our future: Like the man living on other planets, the man with the ability of flying, portable homes, cities with ceilings, etc.. There are also others that our ancestors thought about the future and it has happened like, the first man on the moon, video calls, home automation etc..

Now, what am I expecting about the future I want? I’m
expecting this world to be clean, healthy , nice and light. I see myself in the future obviously happy, with the family of my dreams, taking my kids to school without thinking something can happen to them, going at midnight to the doctor walking and don’t think that someone can rape me or force me to have any sexual intercourse. I just want my future to be calm and happy. I don’t want to worry about everything which might happen with the insecurity we face.

I want the animals I know, my grandchildren can know them too, I want the society to be aware of what is happening in the world now. The animals are dying every day because of the ignorance of the people, because with a simple straw or gum we can kill an animal. The global warming is getting worse every day, we begin with ice melting, what’s upcoming?  

I have a hope in this society, I want to think all is going to
change, that in 20 years I can read this and tell myself I was in the correct path, that I’m happy and calm. But if we continue like that, what is going to happen to the world? 

The dishonesty of the people is affecting a part of our lives, I only hear my family talking about the opportunities are less every day, that they are thinking on moving away because of the corruption in my country, when I travel and someone asks me where I’m from and I answer a Colombian, the first thing I hear is “Oh!, Pablo Escobar, or drug traffickers” I just feel heart broken , because I know my country has a lot more beautiful things that people can know about. I just want to end this and I’m putting my little grain of sand writing this, my opinion. 

Like Joel A. Barker said “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” 

Thanks you for listening.

By Nathalie Salas, Step 8