Thursday, March 21, 2019

Evil Vs. Good

Evil Vs. Good: My Horror Story

Once there was a family that lived apart from the whole society, it was formed by two parents and two children, Jake the eldest and Chantal the youngest, both questioned the reason for their distance from society, but their mother told them it was because of the epilepsy since both of them suffered from this disease.

But what they did not know was the real reason why,
because inside Jake there lived a demon, but on the contrary, in Chantal there lived an angel, so every time Jake's fury was stronger and stronger.

Time passed and the demon inside him strengthened; therefore,  when he left, he tried to kill any kind of living thing.

Opposite,  that's what the angel of Chantal was in charge,
because of  being balancing things to calm the demon in Jake's possession so that not to murder his parents. 

After the angel defeated the demon, the children woke up after an epilepsy seizure and that is why they did not know of the existence of these beings that lived inside them.

By Juan Pablo Gómez, Step 10