Saturday, March 2, 2019

Another Girl

Another Girl

I don't want to be judged another girl
I don't want you to play with me
I'm a human, I'm a girl
I'm not a toy

I want to be more than just a simple memory
I don't want to be just another ex-love
I don't want to be just another girl
I want to be the girl you can't live without

You mean more than just another guy for me
You stole my heart
And I don't want to give it back
I want 20 years from now to still being in your life

But I know that for you
I'm just another face in a crowd
I'm just another zero to your left
I'm just another day of the week

So, I'm just gonna go
And never come back
Because I prefer to be someone to myself
Than a nobody for you nor for somebody else.

By Susana Rengifo, Step 9